Have people changed the way they treat you??

RNMDFF Posts: 153 Member
This question is for anyone who has lost weight, 10lbs or 150lbs? I've lost about 106 pounds and people now ask me how much I weigh, and what my highest weight was. I find it odd. I would never walk up to someone and ask how much do you weigh? They will ask me how much more do you want to lose ect. I don't really mind as I am proud of myself for losing weight and being healthier, but it's interesting. We all do it, we all ask someone how much weight they've lost.

It's just a very strange feeling to have them treat me differently.



  • itontae
    itontae Posts: 138 Member
    Feel proud.
    Most people appreciate how hard it is to lose weight.
    They are paying you a compliment by asking details about you weight loss

    well done
  • Millie77
    I'm guilty of that. I don't ask how much they weigh, but I will tell them how good they look and ask how much they have lost. I think everyone wonders, and wants to see what they are doing to get the weight off so they can try it too. :smile:
  • p0stdramatic
    I don't have people asking my weight, but I get more smiles, more looks, and a lot more doors opened for me since I've lost weight. It makes me sad that losing 50 pounds makes such a difference. I will smile at EVERYONE. :D
  • MissMaryMac33
    MissMaryMac33 Posts: 1,433 Member
    Yes, they definitely do...

    There are men at work who suddenly chat with me in the elevator and even stop at my desk when they walk by.
    Even strangers are more likely to smile at you, hold a door open, make conversation. It's very strange.

    I used to feel invisible --- now I feel like a real person.

    I honestly don't care what they ask me... if they want to know my weight I tell them. I tell them where I started. I tell them about Zumba or a new quinoa recipe... Maybe they regret asking me then because I will try to convert them to be healthier.

    Be proud of yourself --- and be glad they noticed your hard work -- you deserve it!!
  • tylerwyman
    I don't know about weight loss, but I get treated cruddy since I gained weight.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    it's f*cking annoying, that's what my thoughts are...
  • AdAstra47
    AdAstra47 Posts: 823 Member
    I honestly don't care what they ask me... if they want to know my weight I tell them. I tell them where I started. I tell them about Zumba or a new quinoa recipe... Maybe they regret asking me then because I will try to convert them to be healthier.

    Be proud of yourself --- and be glad they noticed your hard work -- you deserve it!!

    Yes. This. :-)

    I am very tall and was very fat to start with, so even though I've lost over 40 lb, people are just now starting to notice. "Have you been losing weight?" or my favorite "You look really happy lately." :laugh: But yes, I never thought people would be asking me, the fat chick, to give them advice on losing weight! Blows my mind! I share whatever they want to know.
    I'm looking forward to seeing people I haven't seen in a long time at Christmas, because I think they will see the change better. Should be interesting!

    Congratulations, and enjoy the ride!
    RNMDFF Posts: 153 Member
    I don't really mind that they ask me. I have noticed guys I know will come up and hug me. They never really did it before (They would hug the other girls). I feel doors get opened for me more often too.
  • glockster972
    glockster972 Posts: 704 Member
    No. I still get treated like the grumpy, fat guy I always have been.
    RNMDFF Posts: 153 Member
    I don't mind sharing. I'm glad no one asked me what I weighed when I was at my highest lol. I've noticed my guy friends hug me more often. Doors are opened more often for me. Even at the store people will let me go ahead of them if i am buying only a few things.
  • shedoos
    shedoos Posts: 446 Member
    Seems people do act differently... I'm just not sure if its because of the weight loss, or the fact that I'm now a confident person.

    I think that people assume that if you've lost a lot of weight, you are happy to talk about it. On top of that - they're jealous - they can't imagine being strong enough to lose serious pounds!!
  • agwilker
    agwilker Posts: 104 Member
    People seem to be friendlier, esp at the gym. I had someone notice I'd lost weight the other week, someone else overhead, and asked how am I doing it. Said I go to the gym & count calories. A few other people have asked too, the response is always "Oh :frown: ". I guess they are expecting there's some trick to it.
  • nikkishai
    nikkishai Posts: 407 Member
    Are you carrying yourself differently? I find that the more confidence I have the more attention I get (most positive). Now, someone asking how much I've lost is kinda personal (I keep the answer vague and say I'm down 2 sizes -- never mentioning my actual size though), but noticing that I've lost weight is a compliment all the way.
  • Saruman_w
    Saruman_w Posts: 1,531 Member
    I haven't noticed much of a difference in the way people treat me. Although, it might be just my imagination but I'm getting the feeling people are looking at me differently or more often.
  • CallieDerenthal
    CallieDerenthal Posts: 170 Member
    People seem to be friendlier, esp at the gym. I had someone notice I'd lost weight the other week, someone else overhead, and asked how am I doing it. Said I go to the gym & count calories. A few other people have asked too, the response is always "Oh :frown: ". I guess they are expecting there's some trick to it.

    i always get the same types of disappointed responses when i'm asked how i lost the weight! i guess they're hoping we'll tell them about some magic pill that they can take and the fat will melt away... :laugh:
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