trying to lose some weight

I am constantly trying to lose this extra 20 pounds. I get extremely frustrated because I cannot seem to break the 163 barrier. If I could just see some little progress, I would have the motivation to go on. I am constantly disgusted with myself for not making it longer than a week. I have lost the weight before only to watch it creep back on over time. I need a jump start and some help to just keep plugging along!


  • AwesomelyAmber
    AwesomelyAmber Posts: 1,617 Member
    This site is really great for encouragement, advice, etc... The best thing you can do is read some of these stories when you are feeling down or ready to give up. MFP sucess stories are what keep me going sometimes! YOU CAN DO THIS!
  • audjhill
    Thank-you, I will do just that!