Is it tru about standing..

At my job I do alot of standing actually most of my shift i am standing. When I put that into the exercise sectionits says i burned 3167 calories standing for 7 hours..and then it adds those calories for me to eat that day. Do I need to eat all these calories? Please help, :huh:


  • smusch78
    smusch78 Posts: 19
    At my job I do alot of standing actually most of my shift i am standing. When I put that into the exercise sectionits says i burned 3167 calories standing for 7 hours..and then it adds those calories for me to eat that day. Do I need to eat all these calories? Please help, :huh:
  • Paeonia
    Paeonia Posts: 161
    Just change your goals to be Lightly Active. Don't count standing as exercise, let MFP calculate it for you as part of your daily calorie needs. Only count actual exercise you do like cardio, circuit training, what have you.
  • molsongirl
    molsongirl Posts: 1,373 Member
    I wouldn't add that, it's part of your day, your routine, it's not really exercise, and that number seems way high. I swim with my kids for 1.5 hours a day, I don't add it, because it's a leisure thing that I do everyday, and not really exercise. Consider it bonus, but I wouldn't figure it in to my daily activity, just my two cents.
  • smusch78
    smusch78 Posts: 19
    ok thank u so much...I thought that was really high...I will not count that in my exercise then..

    Thanks again

    Created by - Free Food Diary
  • JeremySettles13
    JeremySettles13 Posts: 11 Member
    You should probably add that....Swimming is pretty much the best form of exercise you can do.
  • molsongirl
    molsongirl Posts: 1,373 Member
    You should probably add that....Swimming is pretty much the best form of exercise you can do.

    I know, if I was doing laps i'd add it, but i'm throwing my kids from one end of the pool to the other, trying not to be drowned, and pulling them around on this inflatable boat thing, it's more like swimming with sharks, in total fear of my life, then actual exercise.