Mileage in a 60min spinning class


first time posting...
What's the average miles done in a 60 min spinning class? The bikes at my gym do not have an odometer and I am curious what the distance might be.

Thanks in advance :smile:


  • april_beth
    april_beth Posts: 617 Member
    i wonder that myself but to be honest, everyone's going to be different. some people have shorter legs and dont make as many revolutions as the taller folks or some people dont push it as hard as others so they may have less mileage...i do wnat to know, however, what i could purchase that could make me figure out mine.
  • april_beth
    april_beth Posts: 617 Member
    ps. you've posted at least 30 times prior to this one so it cna't be your first post :)
  • kiahpyr
    kiahpyr Posts: 85 Member
    I average 12 miles. I'm 5'7 if that helps any.
  • daves160
    daves160 Posts: 600
    Don't worry about mileage. It doesn't matter where cals burned is concerned. All you need to do is plug in the time spent doing it. If you have an HRM, then ou have all the info you need.

    The tool on MFP for cycling is fairly close from what I have seen. Just have to choosean intensity.
  • Shweedog
    Shweedog Posts: 883 Member
    ps. you've posted at least 30 times prior to this one so it cna't be your first post :)

    First time posting a topic she means. She has responded to 30 other posts.
  • GymRatRaceRunner
    GymRatRaceRunner Posts: 160 Member
    ps. you've posted at least 30 times prior to this one so it cna't be your first post :)
    She's replied to posts before but this may be her first topic that SHE created...
  • antimike
    antimike Posts: 24 Member
    I am not sure as spinning varies by effort of the individual and the difficulty levels.

    I cycle outside on a road bike and it all depends on various factors like terrain, weather, and road conditions.

    If it is up hill I could go as slowly as 7-8mph but flat or descents it could be between 16 and 20mph or even higher.

    If you're looking for distance, try a different spinning class with bikes that have odometers or go out on a bicycle and try to figure out a similar perceived effort.

    If you're looking for a way to track your calories for MFP then try a heart rate monitor. I have a Garmin edge 500 and the HRM on it says I burn about half the calories that MFP says. I'm not sure which is more accurate, but I usually err on the side of the lower number.

    Good luck and keep on spinning!
  • michie27
    michie27 Posts: 450 Member
    ps. you've posted at least 30 times prior to this one so it cna't be your first post :)

    I meant as an op :smile:
  • KimertRuns13_1
    For me it depends on whether we do more speed intervals or hill climbing. Obviously if we do more speed intervals my mileage will be higher than if we are doing seated hill climbs.
    I'm 5'3 and average anywhere from 10-14 miles in a 60 class.
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    I usually knock out 10 without going crazy. If you don't break a sweat, probably less than that. If you are really pushing, even more. I also use Noom/CardioTrainer for Andorid and it works as an HRM as well.
  • michie27
    michie27 Posts: 450 Member
    thanks everyone for your advice and suggestions! Have a great evening, off to my firefighter's workout now.