Zumba Calorie Burn ?

Can someone tell me how many calories are burned in a 1 hour zumba class? I can't find it in the database...

Thanks! :smile:


  • LadyGhostDuchess
    LadyGhostDuchess Posts: 894 Member
    www.zumbacalories.com I think that is the site they just showed me
  • Falling_star
    Falling_star Posts: 204 Member
    its diffrent for everybody but i wore my heart rate monitor at my class tonight and i burned 354 calories in a 60 min class. i used to use the site menchened above but found it way off after having my hrm on tonight.
  • Yes that is the site I use. Isn't Zumba awesome? I love the burn that you get from it!!!
  • cycle_babe
    cycle_babe Posts: 10 Member
    ive been wondering the exact same thing. i would use the aerobics or dancing option; however, i don't the calories are anywhere correct -- i think they are way under -- but that could be a good thing == burning more than you record:-) good luck
  • It's not on mine either but I log between 700 and 750 and I usually do around an hour n quarter.
    I think that's too high really but go off what aerobics or dancing state maybe? Also depends how much you weigh/or heart rate I think
    Sorry I'm not much help really am I hahaa
    I love zumba
  • mandycasey
    mandycasey Posts: 274 Member
    It defiantly goes on your weight , heart rate etc - i'm alot heavier than you and i burn round 1070 cals a hour, I would recommend a HRM to get exact cals burnt , hope you get some answers xx
  • Here ya go. http://www.zumbacalories.com/
    This is what I use.
  • I might have to get out my HRM...haven't used it in a LONG time!! Thanks :happy: