Saving calories

Hi everyone,

I've been trying for a few months now to lose the last few kgs and I don't seem to be getting any where. I work long hours (13 a day) so on these days I usually can't do any exercise (I will ride my bike to and from work if it's not raining). On my days off I do a lot of exercise, (mainly interval training or long walks) and can burn up to 1500 calories a day doing these things. My daily calorie target is 1280 and if I exercise and burn a further 1500 then my daily target is 2780 for example. On these days I would generally only eat 1500-1600 calories. I might do this 2 times per week. I save the rest of the caolries I don't eat on those days for later in the week for events or going out to dinner ect. Overall, I finish just below my calorie target for the week (because I might eat all of the calories I have 'stockpiled' all in one day because I have an event on). My questions are
1: Am I putting my body into starvation mode by not eating all of my calories on the days I work out?
2: Because I'm eating a lot of calories on just a few days going well over my calorie target are those calories then getting stored as fat?
3: What tips can you give me to lose those last few kgs....I feel like i'm working really hard but just not getting where I want to be


  • beachgrl2004
    My advice would be to EAT your exercise calories on the days you work out and on the days you are not working out try to stay in your target range. Since you are already eating at a deficit to lose weight your body isn't getting all of the calories it needs on the days you are working out if you aren't eating back at least part of your exercise calories. Hope that helps.
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    I'll answer #3.

    Be consistent. Saving calories, and skipping meals, and making up calories will get you nowhere.
  • babyblake11
    babyblake11 Posts: 1,107 Member
    if you look at your weekly total and its not at more than a 7000cal defecit then its fine.
  • k121777
    k121777 Posts: 306
    I'm stuck on my last 6 pounds too.......I think that those last few pounds are the hardest and they stick to you like glue. Don't give up though! I think you should eat more of your calories every day. Yes, I think you are putting your body in to starvation mode and it won't let go of the weight. So eat some calories (just a few more every day)
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hmm... I'm no expert, but I will throw in my 2 cents. Everyone's metabolism is different. That doesn't help much as far as determining whether you're eating too few or too many calories though. I would like to mention that I think the inconsistency in your weekly routine as far as diet goes might have something to do with it.

    I normally don't eat my exercise calories, basically because I believe if I want to lose weight, I need to have a calorie deficit in order to do so. Once a week I indulge with something unhealthy, but I try very hard not to go over my daily calorie intake, or at least not too far over. Any time I have gone over by a lot when I treat myself, I often find myself gaining a little. If I were you, I would plan your meals out before you go out for dinner if you know you're going to. Look up the nutrition online if possible and try to make your meal as healthy as you can, without ruining it for yourself.

    I don't save calories either. Think of it this way... the number of calories you have as your daily intake is based on your current weight (usually, I don't know if everyone does it that way.) so in order to lose weight, you have to take in less than that, OR burn off a decent chunk through exercise. So if you're saving the calories you didn't eat for another day, you're really just over-eating on that day which of course will make you gain. If your body gets used to a certain supply of nutrients etc. then when you put in more than usual it will store some of the excess. You cannot outrun a bad diet. So no matter how much you exercise, if you're still struggling with your eating habits, the weight won't come off. And if it does, it will be at a snail's pace.

    My advice is to just do it day by day, don't save your calories and try not eating your exercise calories. Try it for a week or two and see how you feel. :) I hope this helps! Good luck!
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    It's called zig-zagging and it's perfectly fine. A lot of people zig-zag their calories normally, based on schedules and based on activity levels. There's nothing wrong with it, and you will not put your body in starvation mode after 1 day of not eating enough calories, particularly if you eat extra the next day. As long as your weekly totals match to what they should be, you're fine.
  • Robinkinchen
    Robinkinchen Posts: 39 Member
    Are you satisfied on the days that you eat fewer calories? Are you eating beyond being full on your cheat days?
  • Promqueen_74932
    Promqueen_74932 Posts: 203 Member
    You cannot outrun a bad diet. So no matter how much you exercise, if you're still struggling with your eating habits, the weight won't come off. And if it does, it will be at a snail's pace.

    Sharing this on MFP page and printing it for my fridge. I have been snailing for too long and this is going to help me kick that snails slime!

    Thank you Beezil!

    And Thank you April for the Topic!
