New here

Hello everyone a friend of mine told me about this website so i hope it helps me lose about 50 lbs. If you have any suggestions to help me reach my goal please feel free to let me know.


  • shad1018
    shad1018 Posts: 191 Member
    Welcome :smile:

    So glad to ahve you on board. The MFP community is very supportive and you'll get pleny of ideas and suggestions. The best advice I can share is to log in everyday, no matter what. Even if you don't eat as planed, or don't have time to excercise, etc, etc ALWAYS track your food and excercise. This is how you form good habits, by repeating the process often. Drink plenty of water and try new things. You'll see results, if you are consistent. Best of luck and I look forward to hearing great things from you!
  • Renee02918
    Renee02918 Posts: 14 Member
    Hey there MzClark welcome to the website! Suggestions that I have used are to stay focused, use a food diary (which I am trying to be more disciplined with). You can find motivation out here...everyone has been very supportive of me. Good luck with your weight challenge.
  • Welcome to MFP
  • tbrooke2000
    tbrooke2000 Posts: 61 Member
    WELCOME! Tomorrow is my one week anniversary on MFP. Good luck and stay strong... :-)
  • I am new too and in the first week and a half lost 4 lbs!! Its the only thing that has ever worked for me! I enjoy logging in and inputting exercise to see my progress. Good luck and keep it up!
  • dmplz123
    dmplz123 Posts: 26 Member
    Hey and welcome! Enter your food. It's the biggest piece. I Learn so much by logging daily- I thought I ate within my means by guessing, but it was an eye-opener. At first I didn't get too wrapped up in the calories as much as needing to see what I was truly was consuming.
    Good luck and stick with it.
  • dmplz123
    dmplz123 Posts: 26 Member
    Happy one-week!
  • Hi! Have been here since June and love it! You can add me as a friend if you like! Best of luck :happy: