Ideas for rewards?

So I would like to reward myself for every few pounds I lose so I don't lose focus, but I need some ideas. They don't have to be free, but they cannot be food. I have thought of ideas including CD's and stuff like that. Does anyone have any ideas? Has this strategy worked to motivate you? Do you have any other ideas for motivation?


  • New songs to workout to, new workout clothes, new running/walking shoes, new water bottle...these are a few that I have though of.
  • JennBrown83
    JennBrown83 Posts: 131 Member
    I LOVE books! I can't stop reading! So I make small goals, usually 10 - 15 pounds at a time and when I meet that goal I buy myself a book, usually an ebook now cuz they're a lot cheaper than paperbooks and take up less space. there are some authors I will spend the money to buy the physical book, but not many LOL. Also, if you get to a point where you've lost enough weight that your pants don't fit, treat yourself to a new pair or two of pants, wearing smaller, nice fitting clothes is always inspiring. there are also lots of things at like the dollar store you can get that are fun or useful, or both, if you're gonna be doing it a lot and don't want to spend a lot of money...
  • For me: Belly button piercing, new pair of running shoes, nails done, and clothes :D
  • Lwoodslim
    Lwoodslim Posts: 31 Member
    I rewarded myself with a sexy new swim suit this summer. I also enjoy being pampered, so for larger loses, or rewards perhaps a mani/pedi or a massage. For smaller accomplishments perhaps a night out to a movie? I like the idea workout clothes.

    Maybe just some retail therapy in general :)
  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member
    New Clothes
    New boyfriend/girlfriend
    New Car
    New Anything that you would normally buy or do
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    exercise equipment
  • 21karensmith
    21karensmith Posts: 50 Member
    A few I've done are : 15lbs New hair (color, cut,style ect.):glasses: , 25lbs New Clothes:bigsmile: , thats as far as I've gotten lol, because I'm setting my goals short for right now, ya know that way they don't seem so far off in the future that they can't be met lol. I know at 50lbs I'm gonna get my belly button pierced again lol Good Luck!!!:flowerforyou:
  • ReinasWrath
    ReinasWrath Posts: 1,173 Member
    My total goal reward is a belly ring :D but for the small steps in between is that new size pants ( so every time i drop a size I splurge on a decently nice new pair)
  • riccoismydog
    riccoismydog Posts: 319 Member
    New clothes are a must! You will need them, you will deserve them, and who doesn't love to shop? Plus it keeps me from getting lazy and gaining weight back, cause I wanna be able to wear my new stuff!
  • kmc0129
    kmc0129 Posts: 15 Member
    Thanks everyone, great ideas!