Body Fortress, Creatine and Women

I'm soooo confused. Ok. So, I tried to do research on this topic, but everyone has different answers, and it's taking so long weeding out the ones that answer my specific questions. I recently bought BF and started drinking one scoop with 1% milk a day (so far, two days). My concern is the creatine that is in it. I've read about what creatine does, but I'm just wondering about the experiences that other women who have used or do use BF Whey Protein Advanced.

So my concerns are:

Will creatine hinder my body fat/ weight loss goals? (People have been saying so many different things)

If one has had kidney problems, should one not take anything with creatine in it? (I will be asking a doctor soon, but just wondering now if I should stop consuming it)

I only bought BF because it was readily available at Walmart and fairly reasonably prices for the amount included. Should I just stop taking BF and get something without creatine? Any suggestions?



  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I have no idea. I know mine doesn't have creatine in it and it's easy to find. It's EAS. If you have a Sams or Costco membership it's $30 for 5lbs (which lasts forever).
  • sl1mmy
    sl1mmy Posts: 185
    I would be carefull with protein drinks too if there is any concern with kidney. Ask your doctor first.
  • trelm249
    trelm249 Posts: 777 Member
    First and foremost, talk to your Dr. about the kidney thing.

    The first question is, why are you using creatine?

    If it is to get bigger and have more energy in the gym while lifting heavy, then yes it will help. Recommended dosage is 5g a day and drink lots of water while using it. In this context water literally means water, not just fluids. You can still drink your other beverages, just increase your water intake. This will cause some weight gain, 2 to 4 lbs is typical and temporary. Within a couple of days of ceasing supplementation the water weight comes off.

    If it is to help with post workout recovery and help minimize muscle soreness, then it can help with that. Studies have shown that as little as 2.5g a day is beneficial for such purposes. You should still have increased water intake, but there should be no weight gain. Do not falsely presume you will have no muscle soreness after a hard workout. You will not be as sore and will be able to get back to the gym pretty quick.

    Neither will hinder your weight loss goals. If you are not a lifter or sprinter or involved in some athletic endeavor involving explosive movement, then the creatine is not of a particular benefit to you.

    The SIX STAR Whey protein is available at Walmart as well and is reputable. No, it is not necessarily the best whey available, but it will get the job done and does not contain creatine.
  • kelsully
    kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
    I don't know anything about this smoothie. Someone else mentioned that protein and kidney issues should probably be discussed with your MD..the day after my recent marathon I went to my holistic chiropracter who kept telling me to drink a blueberry, spinach, kale and almond milk smoothie as the perfect recovery drink...I told him I would rather eat the salad and he said that would be good too but somehow there happens to be a nice balance of macros and that the pH of the foods helps gets body back in balance after a workout.