Night time munchies! :( HELP!



  • Cathleenr
    Cathleenr Posts: 332
    Im good all day long but for some reason when i come home fdrom work all i do is munch and crave sweets! i cant stop! :( does anyone have some advice on how to stop these cravings and maybe some good things to eat as a filling snack instead?

    Are you eating consistently throughout the day? And do your meals include carbs and fats to keep you satisfied and your insulin levels steady? Cravings are normal, but they shouldn't be overwhelming to the point that you can't make good decisions about what kind of food to eat. if you have a daily plan, meaning if you already know what each meal is going to be and when you are going to eat it, then its easier to just let the food take care of itself when the time to eat comes around.
    I eat 6 meals a day, beginning at about 8 Am and ending at 10 PM. "Meals" don't mean an appetizer, a couple entrees and a desert! A can of tuna mixed with half a chopped apple rolled up in a couple lettuce leaves, or a protein drink and a half a cucumber, or 6 egg whites and some avocado and oatmeal are examples of meals...all under 300 calories each. All the meals are the same for the week, but they can be in a different order in the day and I can make tweaks in the macros if I need to every week. For instance, I wasn't doing as well on a higher ratio of carbs to protein, so we cut out half a cup of oatmeal and added a protein I am back to losing consistently and gaining muscle.:)
    Nutrition is a science and you should be very involved in how you feed your body!
  • happy_vegan
    happy_vegan Posts: 200 Member
    similar to what others said..

    I've started to eat a very small breakfast, like 100 calories or less, like vegetables or miso..avoiding flour or anything that might inspire a spike in blood sugar...
    then by lunch you don't even need to eat as much usually, I try to keep lunch kind of small..300-400 calories tops
    then for dinner you have a lot of calories left over, eat something sensible loaded with veggies or soup, and you can have dessert!

    if i treat myself in the middle of the day i will have forgotten by the time dinner's here and will want to treat myself at the end too. i'ved learned i just don't have the self-control built up to do that kind of thing yet. so i save it for the end.
  • robyng1986
    robyng1986 Posts: 139 Member
    I like sugar free jello. 10 cals in a serving and you didn't really taste a difference. I eat it SLOWLY to trick myself. lol
  • pjholcomb
    pjholcomb Posts: 55 Member
    Grapes ... in my house they are referred to as "candy". They sit out on the kitchen counter so I can pop one in my mouth whenever I have the need for something sweet or satisfying.

    Also ... when you think you are going to cave in and eat something you shouldn't ... paint your nails. Put a good couple of coats on in your fav color and you won't want to mess them up going for something to snack on when the night munchies hit. This actually works for me.
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    I looked at your food diary, and your daily protein isn't being met every day. It's high as it is, but maybe you could try adding more protein into your diet and that could help calm your appetite so you don't have these cravings so bad. :) Just a suggestion. I know adding high protein food to my breakfast or lunch helps keep me satisfied throughout the entire day so I'm not tempted to over eat or indulge with sweets.
  • buddha5050
    buddha5050 Posts: 40 Member
    If you are not eating 1200 cal's a day your body trys to get you to eat by acting fammished to get up to that min. Plus if you have not eatin for a long period of time you will have a dip in blood sugar which your body wants to raise it by making you eat. Hope this helps.
  • torie079
    torie079 Posts: 179 Member
    A giant peace:)
  • gradgirlie24
    I totally agree - I get the WORST munchies and going cold turkey is my only option. Even healthy snacks lead to gorging otherwise :P