making a sleep schedule (im sleeping 12+ a night!)

how do I honestly make myself get up? I set the alarm and I will get up, turn it off and go right back to bed. I always feel tired. I've been like this ever since I quit my job almost 3 years ago. I can sleep for up to 12+ hours. If I go to bed at midnight, I dont wake up til noon or 1. (even with the alarm clock set for 10am -- ill turn it off, and go right back to bed.) then sometimes I'll get to the point that I cant sleep so ill stay up for 36hrs straight (exhuasted, want to sleep, but when I lay down I can't sleep because ill start thinking about stuff, something im excited about or something I need to do)

I really need to start waking up early so I can excercise and stuff. I tell myself "i can go back to bed and do it later" then I wake up at 1pm and I clean the house and then I wanna watch some of my recorded shows that my fiance doesnt like to watch, then before I know it hes home and of course I dont want to be excercising while hes home.



  • brittg7
    brittg7 Posts: 146 Member
    move your alarm clock on the other side of the room....wear your workout clothes to bed so you dont have to get dressed you just get up and have to have the desire to get up and go if you dont then you wont...has to come internally most of all...

    jealous you get that much sleep im lucky to get 5 hours right now and thats a good night....but then again if i slept till noon i would feel like i wasted my whole damn day away...
  • kailina
    kailina Posts: 9 Member
    get a physical. get thyroid checked.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    If you are always tired, I would start by talking to your doctor to see if there is a reason for this.
    If there is no particular reason, then you need to start retraining your behaviour.

    One suggestion is to put your alarm clock on the other side of the room so you have to get out of bed to turn it off. Then as soon as you are out of bed put on your workout clothes and walk out of the bedroom. Then you are up and ready to do something, even a 10 minute walk first thing in the morning wakes you up and gets your system ready for the day.

    You could also try gradually setting the alarm earlier in the day, 10 mins earlier each time so you gradually get used to getting up sooner.

    Can you schedule something early in the day that you are motivated to do? Like going to a class, or for a walk with a friend? If there is someone waiting on the doorstep you wil be more motivated to get up.

    Do you have a job? Is there any reason why you can't look for one? Or volunteer somewhere so you have a reason to need to be up, and people waiting for you and relying on you?

    Good luck!!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    how do I honestly make myself get up? I set the alarm and I will get up, turn it off and go right back to bed. I always feel tired. I've been like this ever since I quit my job almost 3 years ago. I can sleep for up to 12+ hours. If I go to bed at midnight, I dont wake up til noon or 1. (even with the alarm clock set for 10am -- ill turn it off, and go right back to bed.) then sometimes I'll get to the point that I cant sleep so ill stay up for 36hrs straight (exhuasted, want to sleep, but when I lay down I can't sleep because ill start thinking about stuff, something im excited about or something I need to do)

    I really need to start waking up early so I can excercise and stuff. I tell myself "i can go back to bed and do it later" then I wake up at 1pm and I clean the house and then I wanna watch some of my recorded shows that my fiance doesnt like to watch, then before I know it hes home and of course I dont want to be excercising while hes home.


    I think its one of these things that you're just goign to have to DO.

    Set your alarm for a reasonable time, like 8am, put it across the room, set another alarm for 5 minutes past, across the room, and get up. Yes you will be tired to start with, but 8-9 hours sleep really should be enough sleep.
  • smkcx♥
    smkcx♥ Posts: 317 Member
    If you are always tired, I would start by talking to your doctor to see if there is a reason for this.
    If there is no particular reason, then you need to start retraining your behaviour.

    One suggestion is to put your alarm clock on the other side of the room so you have to get out of bed to turn it off. Then as soon as you are out of bed put on your workout clothes and walk out of the bedroom. Then you are up and ready to do something, even a 10 minute walk first thing in the morning wakes you up and gets your system ready for the day.

    You could also try gradually setting the alarm earlier in the day, 10 mins earlier each time so you gradually get used to getting up sooner.

    Can you schedule something early in the day that you are motivated to do? Like going to a class, or for a walk with a friend? If there is someone waiting on the doorstep you wil be more motivated to get up.

    Do you have a job? Is there any reason why you can't look for one? Or volunteer somewhere so you have a reason to need to be up, and people waiting for you and relying on you?

    Good luck!!

    I've had my thyroid checked before (I had put on 100lbs in a year when I was in highschool) it came back as a result of low hormones and high stress.

    The only thing i've been told is that I have "extremely low iron" (and I take a multivitamin everyday)
  • smkcx♥
    smkcx♥ Posts: 317 Member
    Set your alarm for a reasonable time, like 8am, put it across the room, set another alarm for 5 minutes past, across the room, and get up. Yes you will be tired to start with, but 8-9 hours sleep really should be enough sleep.

    12+ hours is entirely too much sleep and my alarm clock is across the room and it goes off in 10 minute intervals when I hit snooze
  • sabcooke
    sabcooke Posts: 82 Member
    That is some amount of sleep you're getting, be lucky if I get 4 hours:(. I'm with the rest you need something to do like a class or maybe a job to motivate you to get up. good luck with it!!
  • smkcx♥
    smkcx♥ Posts: 317 Member
    That is some amount of sleep you're getting, be lucky if I get 4 hours:(. I'm with the rest you need something to do like a class or maybe a job to motivate you to get up. good luck with it!!

    I'm a college student. I go to school on Tuesday & Thursdays. I'll get 9hrs of sleep those days and I'll end up getting a headache before my last class is over and yawning. =/
  • 623Hernandez
    I do the same thing. We just have to go to bed at an appropriate hour and get out of bed at an appropriate hour. We have to do it for ourselves. No alarm has ever made a difference. I battle it every day!!!! Recent studies have stated that 10 hours of sleep is healthy so really we are not that far off. I would like to go for 8 or 9 hours a night.

    The 3 hardest things for me but, I really want to do are:
    1. Exercising every day
    2. Regular sleep schedule (8-9 hr.)
    3. Drink at least 64oz. of water a day