Hi there from Australia!

Hi guys, im female, 26 years old and, well im finally fed up with being over weight, and hoping that ive found the method to shake this pile of blubber off once and for all!!! I have downloaded the app on my iphone, and its so easy to log my food there is no excuse to not do it :) lol. What im attempting to do is make small changes to my lifestyle rather than go cold turkey, have cut out softdrink so far, and reduced the amount of cordial i drink (im so bad for the sugar drinks), also im very fussy, but each grocery shop i am trying a new item (healthy items of course) in the hopes that i can find better foods to eat :) . Anyway would love to hear from you other new guys as to what you are trying, and help each other out along the way!


  • jazzcait
    jazzcait Posts: 35 Member
    Hi and welcome! I'm from Australia too, :) I been using this site properly for a few days now. Basically I'm just watching what I eat and drinking heaps more water, and trying to exercise more

    You and add me as a friend if you like :)
  • jdhosier
    jdhosier Posts: 315 Member
    Welcome. I am a 54 year old man from the Chicago area in the US. I have been using the tools on MFP for about 4.5 months and it has been a tremendous help. I find that by religiously recording my food and exercise in the journal, I am motivated to stick with the task of eating better and getting fit. Friend me if you like.
  • nmmitha
    nmmitha Posts: 1 Member
    Hello!, I m from Pakistan, Karachi. I am married and 29 years old. I am using this site from past one week and good part is that by just observing what i am eating and how much I am burning in calories has made me to lose 2 Lbs in just one week. I am happy to see my progress.....
  • KittyMul
    KittyMul Posts: 74 Member
    Hi there! I'm from the West Coast of Australia, I've been MFP'ing for about a year (or something like that...). Cottee's and DietRite make really good sugar free cordials, they got me in to drinking water when I hated it! They were also handy to tackle sugar cravings. Good luck :)
  • Hi there from London :-), well done on your 2 kg, I have just started too, and lost 3kg, I think I have a similar amount of weight to lose. I am a 31 year old female, and am so tired of the sore feet and ankles and knees from all the extra weight bearing, and of course the embarrassment! I am looking for friends, as I have just joined so please friend me if you fancy it. Have you tried drinking sparkling water with ice and fresh lemon? It does the trick for me as a nice replacement for wine with meals! Have a great day, and keep up the healthy food experiments. I try to eat high protein low carb with steamed veg and salads, I find organisation and planning are the key.
  • Hiya! :D Fellow Aussie here. I've been on MFP for a few months now and I think it's great. Recording everything you have eaten and what exercise you have done really puts what you're doing to your body into perspective. Since I've joined I've been trying to eat more nutricious foods instead of the nearest sugar filled lolly packet :) Add me if you like.