For Those Who Exercise With Chronic Pain

Hi! I am not sure if there is a thread on this or not. I looked for one. I have been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatique Syndrome since 2000. I laid in bed for 3 years debilitated from it and my entire body shut down. My metabolism bottomed out, no strength, gained 90 lbs, had full body pain day and night and on and on. Now, 11 years later, I have lost over 75 pounds and am able to workout up to 40 mins to 1 hr almost daily.

I would like to support anyone that is struggling in this area. There is not only the physical challenge of it but there is also a very real emotional and mental battle that is involved as well.

So if this is you, please join me and lets see some results!!!


  • shawn_chas102304
    I have fibro as well (since 2003). I also have crohn's disease (medication causes severe joint pain) as well as degenerative discs in my lower back so I understand chronic pain. Some days it's a struggle to find the motivation, strength, energy, etc to exercise but in the end it always makes me feel better when I do. You just have to take each day as a new day and work towards your goal!!! :)
  • loseiteli
    loseiteli Posts: 242 Member
    Hello! I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia about 6 years ago (I was pretty young).

    (My mom has both Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatique Syndrome and I watched it change her into a completely different person, with the depression and everything. She is slowly starting to get better, but this is most of my motivation to defeat this.)

    I would love to be friends. I think that having my mom struggle with this has helped me a lot. I am a pretty strong person so the emotional/mental battle isnt as bad as the pain for me. But when I go down...I go down HARD.

    Congrats on your progress! If you have any suggestions about types of exercises please share!
  • couponfun
    couponfun Posts: 714 Member
    Hello...along with other health issues I have Lupus and rheumatoid arthritis. I used to be a professional ballet dancer and now I have days where I can barely climb up the stairs or lift the laundry hamper. Steroids have made things even more interesting in the weight department.

    It's a struggle but hopefully we'll be able to give each other a bit of support :flowerforyou:
  • Shelle68
    Shelle68 Posts: 432 Member
    Well welcome to all 3 of you!!! Yes, it is very hard to continue to workout when we have these very powerful conditions to deal with. But I believe that the key for all of us is to go at our own pace. We can't compare ourselves with anyone else, their progress or their expectations. However, we can be motivated by them to push ourselves through the pain.

    For me, I have to be aware of my body. Some days a workout helps me and sometimes it has a reverse effect. I will admit though that more often than not, the working out helps me. And another point is that with FM, when I don't workout for like 4 days to a week, I have noticed that the muscle pain levels increase dramatically. So working out has to be a part of my daily or every other day routine, not just for the burn but for the over all benefits that it gives my body.

    What have you learned about your abilities and limitations?
  • Shelle68
    Shelle68 Posts: 432 Member
  • Kenhabes
    Kenhabes Posts: 187 Member
    I'm new here and also have chronic pain. Rheumy suspects fibromyalgia, but the jury is still out. Blood tests are borderline positive for general inflammation. I also have a bone spur in my neck on C5-6 as well as some minor damage in my thoracic spine from an incident when we moved apartments a few years ago. I also have sleep apnea (diagnosed Feb. 2009).

    For a couple of years, I had been sleeping on a wedge pillow to help the apnea and some reflux issues. Over that time, I noticed my neck getting MUCH worse to the point of daily pain. Recently on a trip, I didn't bring my wedge pillow. Lo and behold, my neck started getting BETTER. Now, I sleep with a buckwheat cervical pillow without the wedge and am able to exercise more than I have in a long while.

    Chronic pain sucks. Being fat sucks.

    Here I am. Let's help each other out!
  • conidiring
    conidiring Posts: 230 Member
    There are a couple of MFP groups for Fibromyalgia (and there is probably some for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome as well). Just search groups and you should find it.