What do you know about Mono?

kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
edited September 19 in Chit-Chat
Soooo some of you may recall I was very sick just over a week ago- went to the doctor and was told I had strep throat. Tomorrow is my last day on penicillin and I am still all swollen in my tonsils and lymph notes. I'm pretty convinced I've got mono:

I had a VERY sore throat for a week and a half, now it's more of a tired feeling in my throat along with the very swollen tonsils. I am tired all the time. Last night I slept for 13 hours- from 7pm until 8am :noway: That is NOT normal for me. I also have taken to napping for 2-3 hours in the middle of the day- also not at all like me. When I had the sore throat I also had a fever, lack of appetite and a pretty severe headache but those have subsided.

I'm not feeling awful anymore, but I'm not quite right either, and I can tell you the meds they gave me are not helping. I'm pretty sure I never had strep throat and I do plan on going back to see the doc once my meds are gone.

To those of you who have had it, does this sounds like mono? I know there is no treatment for mono, just gotta wait it out.... anyone?


  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    Soooo some of you may recall I was very sick just over a week ago- went to the doctor and was told I had strep throat. Tomorrow is my last day on penicillin and I am still all swollen in my tonsils and lymph notes. I'm pretty convinced I've got mono:

    I had a VERY sore throat for a week and a half, now it's more of a tired feeling in my throat along with the very swollen tonsils. I am tired all the time. Last night I slept for 13 hours- from 7pm until 8am :noway: That is NOT normal for me. I also have taken to napping for 2-3 hours in the middle of the day- also not at all like me. When I had the sore throat I also had a fever, lack of appetite and a pretty severe headache but those have subsided.

    I'm not feeling awful anymore, but I'm not quite right either, and I can tell you the meds they gave me are not helping. I'm pretty sure I never had strep throat and I do plan on going back to see the doc once my meds are gone.

    To those of you who have had it, does this sounds like mono? I know there is no treatment for mono, just gotta wait it out.... anyone?
  • genabug
    genabug Posts: 1,820 Member
    I used to get strep all the time when I was a kid, even after meds, my tonsils would seemingly take forever to go back to normal, but it wouldn't hurt anymore. It wouldn't hurt to call the dr, if your are concerned. After strep it is very easy to relapse, so, you should take every nap you can get in, and don't rush yourself.
  • tgh1914
    tgh1914 Posts: 1,036 Member
    Yep, sounds like mono. I actually have been going thru it myself the last few weeks too, and yes - totally fatigued! In fact, I lost about 6 pounds in a week cuz I was hardly eating. I thought I'd gain it right back since I'm doing better now & eating almost normal, but so far so good - nothing gained back. For me the bad part lasted about 2 weeks. I'm a big believer in lots of Vitamin C & I do think it sped up the healing process for me. Other than that, just a lot of rest.

    Sorry to hear that. :frown: Get better soon.
  • lacieinthesky
    lacieinthesky Posts: 42 Member
    I had mono about 5 years ago and it sounds like what you have. I went in for a sore throat, tested negative for strep but they gave me antibiotics anyway. I went back two days later because I was feeling worse and the dr told me that sometimes the worst strep throat she had seen was actually mono. I couldn't eat anything solid for a week and slept all the time. If you're not sure, check w/ the dr. Good luck!
  • sonjavon
    sonjavon Posts: 1,019 Member
    I had Mono back in high school. It was honestly the worst I have ever felt in my life. Tired doesn't even begin to describe it. I fell asleep in class, fell asleep on the bus, went to sleep at 7 or 8 at night and had a terrible time getting up for school... this went on for about 2 weeks.... tiredness being my only symptom...

    Then one Friday evening I fell asleep on the sofa around 4:30 and did not wake up until Saturday afternoon at 2PM. That's when the sore throat started... it was worse than any strep, tonsilitus, bronchitus pain I had ever had. I noticed "lumps" behind my ears, at the base of my neck and under my arms... That's when we went to the dr. the "lumps" were swollen lymph nodes.

    I was out of school for a month. All through the rest of high school and even in college, I still required more than 8 hours of sleep a night. It really CAN affect you for the rest of your life...

    If you THINK that's what you have - get to your doctor and ask them to do a blood test that will tell you for sure if that's what it is.... you don't want to mess around with it. I wasn't allowed to take gym class for about a month after I returned to class. I think the dr. said something about your spleen and liver can swell and impact could cause more complications.

    Call your doctor if you're feeling that bad... it really is THAT important!
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    I had mono about 5 years ago and it sounds like what you have. I went in for a sore throat, tested negative for strep but they gave me antibiotics anyway. I went back two days later because I was feeling worse and the dr told me that sometimes the worst strep throat she had seen was actually mono. I couldn't eat anything solid for a week and slept all the time. If you're not sure, check w/ the dr. Good luck!

    exactly! I couldn't eat anything either, for about a week and a half- and what little I did eat- soup, yogurt, applesauce, etc, actually made me nauseous to the point where I'd have to sleep off the feeling just to have relief.. I was very sick. I feel pretty good now but I do still have those funny symptoms- really tired, funny feeling throat, swollen lymph nodes and tonsils.
  • Kendrajr
    Kendrajr Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, my daughter is 5 and she had the same thing back in October. Her throat looked like strep but they did a blood test after 5 days of a 103 degree fever and she had mono. They put her on amoxacilin for the strep when that didnt work they gave her some other atibiotic. She broke out with a rash all over her body because of it. Any type of cilin atibiotic can sometimes cause a rash with mono. I would definetely have them do a blood test before you get any worse mono can cause problems with your spleen. Hope this helps. Good luck.
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    I had Mono back in high school. It was honestly the worst I have ever felt in my life. Tired doesn't even begin to describe it. I fell asleep in class, fell asleep on the bus, went to sleep at 7 or 8 at night and had a terrible time getting up for school... this went on for about 2 weeks.... tiredness being my only symptom...

    Then one Friday evening I fell asleep on the sofa around 4:30 and did not wake up until Saturday afternoon at 2PM. That's when the sore throat started... it was worse than any strep, tonsilitus, bronchitus pain I had ever had. I noticed "lumps" behind my ears, at the base of my neck and under my arms... That's when we went to the dr. the "lumps" were swollen lymph nodes.

    I was out of school for a month. All through the rest of high school and even in college, I still required more than 8 hours of sleep a night. It really CAN affect you for the rest of your life...

    If you THINK that's what you have - get to your doctor and ask them to do a blood test that will tell you for sure if that's what it is.... you don't want to mess around with it. I wasn't allowed to take gym class for about a month after I returned to class. I think the dr. said something about your spleen and liver can swell and impact could cause more complications.

    Call your doctor if you're feeling that bad... it really is THAT important!

    as a side note- I havn't been working out since I got sick and I don't plan to until I'm 100%. Partly because of this enlarged spleen business which can be potentially fatal if it ruptures AND is a common symptom of Mono.
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    But guys there is no treatment for mono. No antibbiotic will help it, no medicine will cure it. Lots of rest and clear fluids- which I have been doing and I am doing better. And like I said I AM going back to the doc but I want to finish my meds first so they can't complain that I didn't finish them.
  • sonjavon
    sonjavon Posts: 1,019 Member
    I would definitely call you doctor.
  • ricksnaustin
    ricksnaustin Posts: 439 Member
    I don't mean to alarm you....but years ago I used to be a medic and EMT. If you really think you have mono be cautious with heavy lifting until you know for sure. Mono can cause your spleen to enlarge, and impact or straining could cause it to burst. Severe pain in the upper left part of your stomach may mean that your spleen has ruptured. This would be an emergency situation. Again.....not to alarm you. Just be aware and take it easy but go see your Dr and have them check.
  • sonjavon
    sonjavon Posts: 1,019 Member
    But guys there is no treatment for mono. No antibbiotic will help it, no medicine will cure it. Lots of rest and clear fluids- which I have been doing and I am doing better. And like I said I AM going back to the doc but I want to finish my meds first so they can't complain that I didn't finish them.

    Mono can be treated symptomatically.... and it's always best to know exactly what you're dealing with. Your doctor can prescribe medicine for a sore throat, if your tonsils swell a lot they can give you cortisone, etc.

    I guess for me, I always like to have a diagnosis... but if you're comfortable waiting it out, that's fine. Just be sure to rest when you're tired. Be careful driving a car!!! You can nod off at anytime!
  • mnichol
    mnichol Posts: 642
    Rest is very important!!!!! take care what your eating, it used to be advised to eat more carbs than protein, but med advice changes over the years. Google around for additional info in addition to your m.d. advice. take care.
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