Nivea Goodye Cellulite

Has anyone tried this? I just bought it- I felt like a sucker with the $15 price tag, and knowing it probably won't work. A girl can dream though, right?

To specify, I bought the gel-cream.


  • MissFit0101
    MissFit0101 Posts: 2,382
    Exercise girl... tighten and tone that body to get rid of cellulite. Creams don't work, IMO.
  • ellyallen
    I haven't tried it, but I'm interested to know if it works.
  • kaetmarie
    kaetmarie Posts: 668 Member
    I've been using this for a couple weeks and I have noticed a difference...but I've also been exercising and eating better, so that's probably more likely the reason lol
  • luv_lea
    luv_lea Posts: 1,094 Member
    Exercise girl... tighten and tone that body to get rid of cellulite. Creams don't work, IMO.

    I agree. I've also ready that drinking plenty of water helps, and vitamin C.
  • YukonJoy
    YukonJoy Posts: 1,279 Member
    Meh. Probably isn't going to help with cellulite but you can never moisturize too much so I don't see a problem. Plus the massaging stimulates blood flow and can help cellulite reduction.

    What I do is get a body brush and massage it in small circles over my thighs and but before I shower. I also rub it all over my body and it removes dead skin cells and really makes my skin glowing and super soft.

  • melbhall
    melbhall Posts: 519
    I tried it, not religiously, and it didn't work. But I find that buying things like that, or even vitamins that say "weight management" makes me make better choices. It's all mental for me. If you workout, drink more water and use the cream you will probably notice a difference! Good luck!
  • Addicted2Fitness
    I've tried it and it does not work. If you are looking for a topical cream to reduce the appearance of cellulite try Body Toning by ItWorks. I have been using it for several weeks and the appearance of the cellulite is almost gone. The cream works into the skin and breaks down the fat trapped under the skin. Drinking plenty of water helps flush out the toxins that the cream has broken down. They also offer body applicator which is wrap with all natural botanical creams that helps reduce inches and tightens and tones the skin in as little as 45 minutes. Its no joke! I thought it was a quack but I use it and so does my friends and family.
  • CurlyClare78
    I find mine improves if I stick to green tea (I have a bit of a diet coke problem so it takes a lot of willpower) I'm on about 2 pots per day and I also drink fruit tea. I still have it but I have to squeeze more to see it. It comes back if I get back on the coke again.

    The creams can't really reach down far enough to get to fat cells but you can make your skin look better if you scrub it regularly and then the cream won't do any harm. Some tighten the skin up a bit but that's about it.
  • melbhall
    melbhall Posts: 519
    Exercise girl... tighten and tone that body to get rid of cellulite. Creams don't work, IMO.

    I agree. I've also ready that drinking plenty of water helps, and vitamin C.

    Love your ticker! Had a dream I was onstage singing "going to California" last night, random, but cool!
  • travelerkate
    travelerkate Posts: 18 Member
    I am definitely exercising and drinking lots of water, but it just seems that no matter what I do my thighs are still dimply. I see SMALL improvement with exercise, but I want that stuff gone! :)
  • travelerkate
    travelerkate Posts: 18 Member
    I haven't heard of green tea for this...I'll give that a go! Thanks for the tip
    I find mine improves if I stick to green tea (I have a bit of a diet coke problem so it takes a lot of willpower) I'm on about 2 pots per day and I also drink fruit tea. I still have it but I have to squeeze more to see it. It comes back if I get back on the coke again.

    The creams can't really reach down far enough to get to fat cells but you can make your skin look better if you scrub it regularly and then the cream won't do any harm. Some tighten the skin up a bit but that's about it.
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    My friend gave me a shed load of lotions and potions as she was having a clear out, in amongst them was a fairly pricey anti cellulite cream, unopened so I decided to run my own trials...I bought a cheapo pot of cream (£1 for 1000ml) and did an experiment

    I rubbed the cheapo cream in my right thigh and I rubbed anti cellulite cream into my left thigh (every night) ....both thighs showed exactly the same improvements, very noticeable results after one month...its in the rubbing not the cream in my opinion.
  • CurlyClare78
    I haven't heard of green tea for this...I'll give that a go! Thanks for the tip
    I find mine improves if I stick to green tea (I have a bit of a diet coke problem so it takes a lot of willpower) I'm on about 2 pots per day and I also drink fruit tea. I still have it but I have to squeeze more to see it. It comes back if I get back on the coke again.

    The creams can't really reach down far enough to get to fat cells but you can make your skin look better if you scrub it regularly and then the cream won't do any harm. Some tighten the skin up a bit but that's about it.

    Eeek I hope it works!! It definitely works for me. A few weeks away from the coke and my legs are much better. I had cellulite down to my ankles until I was 25 and first started drinking it.
  • Addicted2Fitness
    I am definitely exercising and drinking lots of water, but it just seems that no matter what I do my thighs are still dimply. I see SMALL improvement with exercise, but I want that stuff gone! :)

    lots of squats, lunges, leg raises and the butt bridge. I have the same problem.