Weaning off soda - tips?



  • kristidem
    kristidem Posts: 160 Member
    Well, it's halfway through the month and I had one final "good-bye" soda on 9/2. It's been water, milk, and tea and iced tea (with sugar substitute). It hasn't been too bad, really. Thanks for all the tips and the suggestion for a soda-free Sept.
  • Leegree
    Leegree Posts: 24
    IMO the best is Sparkling flavored water. Wal-mart and Dollar Store carry it in many flavors. NO SODIUM/SALT, NO SUGAR, NO ASPARTAME, CAFFEINE FREE, CALORIE FREE.
    But it has the carbonation of soda's for that zing.
  • kateroot
    kateroot Posts: 435
    Drink water. Or seltzer. Look up some videos of what soda does to a corroded car battery, and think of what it's doing to your body. That should do the trick :)
  • Aww, have a mimosa with dinner, you'll be happy you did it!
  • A few years ago I broke my diet coke habit. It wasn't a bad habit to start with; maybe a couple of cans a day. But when I stopped cold turkey I ended up with a major caffiene headache that lasted for days. Eventually I had to cave and go back to having it.

    So next I cut it down to 1 can a day only over a week, then the next week I did 1 of the mini cans a day, then the next week I did 1 mini can every other day, then stopped completely. it worked that time and I didn't end up with any headaches or other effects.

    Thats great advice. I am down to one diet can a day but I would get the same bad headaches. I will try the mini cans
  • Iceskatefanrn
    Iceskatefanrn Posts: 489 Member
    As an RN for nearly 30 years, with a lot of that experience on the NIGHT shift, I was quite the hard-core Diet Coke fan. I'm now working a Mon-Fri job, losing the weight, and improving my health habits all around. I've been "off" Diet Coke since June (when I started The 17 Day Diet!)

    I drink almost exclusively water and green tea all day long now. But at the end of the day, for a special treat, here's what I do...

    Fill a PRETTY cup or glass with ice. I usually use a tall, 16 oz glass, but sometimes I drink this beverage out of a water goblet or wine glass - makes me feel so special, lol!

    Sprinkle 1 packet Stevia-In-The-Raw over the ice.

    Squirt juice of half a lime over the ice.

    CAREFULLY pour plain Selzer water over the ice. (The Stevia makes it fizzle and foam a bit so be careful!)

    It tastes nearly like a soda, like Sprite, but it's just water and so yummy! Sometimes I do a quarter EACH of a lemon AND a lime. Really refreshing when the weather is warm, I can gulp down 2 tall glasses easily, and the glasses are 16 oz so count for 2 glasses of water each.

    I get the Selzer water at Walmart - for a one liter bottle, their cheapest brand costs 64 cents where I live.

    Lately I've been experimenting - I got some Black Cherry Concentrate at a health food store - just a quick squirt of that and it's a yummy Black Cherry "soda"!

    On a side note - when I was drinking Diet Coke daily, I also had to carry around several Tums in my pockets, to fight the indigestion that would pop up at a moment's notice. Since I gave up the Diet Coke - NO TUMS AT ALL!

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

  • SPheonix22
    SPheonix22 Posts: 90 Member
    Try drinking bottled water. Bad for enviorment but good for you.