
I'm new to MFP. I am coming from another forum/calorie counter site, but found MFP to be more user friendly. I am 39 yrs old, homeschooling mother of three. My highest weight was 333 lbs in May 2010. I got down to 263 lbs by the end of August of this year, lost my focus and gained 20 lbs. :/

I'm back on track (day 4) and just now finishing up with my withdrawal days (x-ing fingers). I've battled my weight all my life. I'm a food addict.

I have struggled all my life with my weight. I was in diet programs by the time I was in 4th grade. I got off track in 6th grade and gained it all back. By the end of 9th grade, I was tired of it. I didn't want "fat" Senior portraits. I started crash dieting in the Summer and lost lots of weight. Started exercising and counting calories. I didn't have fat Senior portraits. I weighed about 135-140 lbs.

Graduated, met my hubby, I was about 150 lbs by this time. Our first date, I had a McD's hamburger and water. Just a few months later, we were already talking about getting married, I was eating 1/4 pound combos with coke, plus an extra 1/4 lber (afterall, that was what he was eating, him and his skinny self). We got married the following year, I was 195 lbs.

Started working, after 4 yrs lost my job (sewing factory, work sent overseas), started school, and Weight Watchers, I was about 225 lbs now.

Then the babies came. The running joke was that every time I started Weight Watchers, I would get pregnant.

I reached an all time high by my last child's 1st birthday, 330 lbs. I lost weight, got nearly to 250 lbs, and stopped trying again. This time, I got back to 332 lbs. It was about the time I was Dx with PCOS too.

So, looking for supportive friends so we can help each other on this journey.


  • JaredBergeron
    JaredBergeron Posts: 379 Member
    Welcome Kendra! I think you will find lots of supportive folks here! What are you doing toward your fitness goals currently?
  • BreakinTheChains
    BreakinTheChains Posts: 381 Member
    Welcome and good luck on your journey.. Feel free to add me if you'de like :happy:
  • coffeyhe
    coffeyhe Posts: 6 Member
    Kendra you can add me as a friend! I have a lot of the same issues and trying to lose a lot of weight. I have two children in University and one in middle school. I am a military wife, and with the stress of that a lone, I started eating my worries. I am hoping to change all of these bad habits. WELCOME TO MFP:smile:
  • kristitampl
    kristitampl Posts: 64 Member
    Welcome! You are going to love the motivation and support MFP has to offer.
  • kcook323
    kcook323 Posts: 43 Member
    Welcome Kendra! I think you will find lots of supportive folks here! What are you doing toward your fitness goals currently?

    I don't workout at all. I know I need to. Sometimes I do Wii fit. It seems like whenever I start working out, I start failing on my diet (eating).