In the past:....

So I started my weight loss journey in May of 2010 after I delivered my 2cd (& Last baby).. I started at 289 lbs.. In May of 2011 I had gotten down to 189 lbs a total weight loss of 97 lbs. When I reached that goal I had gotten so many compliments and people asking how did you do it? Can you let me know your secrets? That I kinda think that it all went to my head. I started eating and went off my diet and got back up to 230. When I stepped on the scales and seen 230 I was in shock!! I knew I couldn't let it go any farther. So now I have gotten back to 217 and am going to continue to lose until I get to my goal weight of 170 and hopefully can maintain it and not gain anything back.

So my question for you all is... Have you ever lost so much weight and whenever people complimented you and things like that did you or have you ever done the same things I did? I figured that I would want to continue eating healthy & stick to my exercising.. But I guess I am a different person lol.


  • willowma
    willowma Posts: 35 Member
    Ive been there. The exact same thing happened to me. I was at 190. I felt fantastic and people told me how great I looked and I thought well I look so good I can treat myself and then it just snowballed. Once I got under 200 I vowed never to be over it again. Now I am 235 and struggling with how to get it off and avoiding all the people who were so proud and amazed by my weight loss.
  • mblanchard0625
    mblanchard0625 Posts: 74 Member
    Yuppers!! I've been there, back in January I had visited a Naturopath and she put me on the Anti-inflammatory diet. I lost 20lbs, then I was allowed to start bringing stuff back (was supposed to be gradually) that I had eliminated from my diet. I thought, Hey, I've done so well, so I let myself bring those things back into my diet. Then I just gave up the diet all together.... This time around I'm not going to be so drastic with my diet change. There are certain things I am not willing to give up completely, but I do know that I have to limit them. I'm finding MFP helpful in that respect.

    Or, sometimes after I worked out I would go eat fast food thinking I deserved a treat.... meanwhile still taking in more calories than what I had burned!
  • AwesomelyAmber
    AwesomelyAmber Posts: 1,617 Member
    I lost 63# roughly 10 years ago. Got pregnant and gained 57#? or so. After he was born I made it down to 190-210... started again at 200even. I actually let myself believe that it was ok because in high school I was 250... so 210 wasn't 250 which meant I was 'doing GREAT!' not so much :) I would even say... "Well, I used to be 250" it's not something you can really count when it was YEARS ago. So I definately get it!
  • mblanchard0625
    mblanchard0625 Posts: 74 Member
    Ive been there. The exact same thing happened to me. I was at 190. I felt fantastic and people told me how great I looked and I thought well I look so good I can treat myself and then it just snowballed. Once I got under 200 I vowed never to be over it again. Now I am 235 and struggling with how to get it off and avoiding all the people who were so proud and amazed by my weight loss.

    I find that's the worst part! Having to face the people you were so excited with, when the weight was coming off!!
    The first time, I had 3 or 4 people at work who I was constantly telling about what I was eating and exercising, and all that. They all noticed of course when I stopped, I even had one person ask me when I was going to get back into it.... EMBARRASSING! Anyways, only a select few people know this time, I'd rather people be surprised with my success, rather than have expectations. I do have the right people keeping me motivated though
  • flamegirl72
    flamegirl72 Posts: 143 Member
    I feel your pain. At my heaviest I was 283lbs. I joined Jenny Craig in 2006 and in a year I lost 126lbs. Everyone was amazed with me and my progress. It was a constant topic of conversation. I was even a STAR client with Jenny Craig. They flew me to Newport Beach from Canada, first class with all the bells and whistles....a makeover...and a commercial shoot. A few months later I was flown back with other STAR clients for a photoshoot to update all their training materials. I was riding high. Had so much self confidence it was amazing. I would walk down the sidewalk and catch a glimpse of myself in a storefront window and not even recognize it was me.

    And then I don't know what happened. I, too swore I would never see 200 again....but recently got as high as 249 before I put my foot down and decided it was time for a change. So here I am. Doing the Body By Vi 90 Day Challenge. I joined a gym and go faithfully for at least an hour daily (one day off a week for recovery). And I use MFP Daily to track it all and keep myself tuned in to what I am doing. Have lost 17lbs in 5 weeks, am filled with energy and motivation.....and this time I am going to get it done! And keep it done. Taking off the weight is easy. It's shifting the mindset from diet to lifestyle and being able to maintain that is the real key.

    I'm excited to get there again and do it right this time :)
  • nickelskm
    Thank you all for sharing your stories. I am glad to know that I am not the only one. Good luck to you all on your weight loss journeys and congrats for the weight that you have already lost!! =)
  • wannabefree
    wannabefree Posts: 32 Member
    Been there done that... I lost 45 pounds years ago and was looking and feeling great. Then I got pregnant with my third child and I thought the sky's the limit. I can eat whatever I want because I'm thin and it will take a long time time for the weight to add back up. Also, I'm pregnant so I'm supposed to eat more. Right? Wrong! I put all the weight back on plus more. After I had the baby, I kept saying it was baby weight whenever I talked to someone. Then one day someone asked me, how old is your baby? I was so embarrassed to tell them 5 years old! That's when I realized that i couldn't blame it on the pregnancy anymore. Now it's been 10 years since I had my daughter and I'm just starting again. I've lost 30 lbs since Jan but I'm having trouble because i haven't lost anything in the past couple of months. I'm just at a stand still. I just keep exercising and doing the best I can and hopefully I'll see more results. Good luck in your journey!!