30 Day Shred everyday without rest?

Hey MFP. I have done Jillian's 30DS here and there for a workout when I can't get to the gym, but I am inspired to start doing it more often. However, it doesn't seem like something I should do for 30 days straight. Usually one full day of rest from all exercise is recommended. I'd like everyone's opinion from those of you who have done it for 30 days straight, and maybe those of you who took a day of rest here or there. I know that just from going spinning everyday, by the 4th day, I'm not able to give it my all like I was on day 1 because my muscles are tired. I was thinking of completing the program in 6 weeks instead of 4 - working out 5 days a week on each level, until the 30 days are complete. Especially because I plan on going to step & spinning classes in conjunction. (The slightly over 200 calorie burn from 30DS just isn't enough for me.) Thoughts??


  • MrsSpinks
    MrsSpinks Posts: 274 Member
    I'm on about day 15 now with no rest - I also don't plan to have any rest days! It's only 20 minutes so I don't really consider it a massive work out (like spending an hour or more in the gym or going for a jog) - however I exercise every day anyway as I always walk my dogs for an hour+ - I think it's perfectly okay to do it for 30 days in a row as long as it's not causing you pain (after the first few days my knees were a bit sore so I thought I would have to have rest days, but it went away after day 4 or 5).
  • vzucco
    vzucco Posts: 229
    I am getting ready to start this program and have the same question. I mean, surely, I am not expected to work out if I am sick, etc. Would two days on, one day off do the trick? Seems more doable.
  • Arynamber
    Arynamber Posts: 162 Member
    It could have been ME asking this question, have so far done 3 days of it, but I had to rest a day after day one. .My arms hurt BAD!! I also think that that video does not do enough stretching in the end, as my calves muscles were so TIGHGT afterwards. I do admit thought that day 2 and 3 were easier then the first day. I am also wondering about the weights.. I am currently using 5 pound weights.. I am able to do most of it with those weights.. but those side lungy things with rasing your arms.. I cant get all the way through it..I have to put the weights down and do it without them for a bit
  • dshalbert
    dshalbert Posts: 677 Member
    I'm doing it now for the 2nd time. and am a little bit more than 1/2 way thorugh. The first time I did it I did not take rests and hurt my back and knees and had to quit about midway, but I am 50+ and have bad back and knees :tongue: . This time I am doing it and taking a day off when I feel I need it, like maybe every 4-5 days. So far so good! This time on level 1 however, I did it 7 days straight because I remebered that it did get much easier (or less hard) after day 5 and I was not as sore so I pushed through it.

    I'd say you know your level of fitness so just listen to your body. I think it is a great program and I saw changes in my body and stamina. I combine it with running and Yoga on some days, but mostly just the shred.
  • cNhobbes
    cNhobbes Posts: 235 Member
    i agree w arynamber in terms of stretching. i usually turn off the dvd right after the workout and do my own stretches. like adding some ab, calf stretches and spending at least 20-30 sec while in a stretch (like the leg and arm stretches she does) if you don't rush the stretching and take it seriously, i bet you can do the full 30 days.
  • jodiem1
    You should defiinitely give yourself a day of rest to allow your muscles to repair themselves. Also be careful, Jillian's tapes are a lot of strain on the knees. I know someone who hurt her knee and was out of commission for 2 months. I almost hurt mine but iced it for a few days and was ok. Other than that, love Jillian Michaels, she really kicks your butt!
  • Serialdieter
    I have done 30 day shred for 10 days so far without a rest day and have been fine starting level 2 tonight so may be a different story in the morning.
  • ricanstace
    I finished my 20th straight day last night. I have really bad arthritis in both knees, but other than a being a little sore, they are holding up. I'm looking forward for tonight, I start level 3!!
  • getfitnfab
    getfitnfab Posts: 418 Member
    I think the only person that can answer that question is yourself.

    everyone is different

    i can do multiple jillian dvd's in a day, i have done 4 jillian workouts in a day
    but than i crash and burn

    have a journal

    figure out what works for you

    i have realized if i work out 6 weeks, then i have to take a week break, or my body breaksdown, i end up sick

    depends on your fitness level, your age and how quickly you recover

  • Romans624
    Romans624 Posts: 822
    THe only issue I see with it is not the cardio... but the weights. If you use it heavy enough to tear your muscle fibers.. and you do the same day after day it goes counter to what I have heard. So maybe lighter weights?

    HOnestly I did it a few times and it was a good workout but have stopped because I don't know how to incorporate it with additional cardio and weights.
  • MinaAriel
    MinaAriel Posts: 138 Member
    I am on Day 9 doing it 3 days 1 rest 2 days then rest. I also do 4 days of additionally cardio on there but I leave Sundays as complete rest days.

    The video has done a number on my shins so for me, the rest days are necessary. I am still noticing a gradual improvement in my stamina although I modify the jumping a bit. My original plan was no rest but after day two, I knew that I wasn't physically ready for it.

    I use 3 pound weights but wish I had 2 pounders for the anterior lunge/arm raises. Lighter weights for sure because you are doing lots of reps.

    I agree, no matter what, do extra stretching. My calf muscles were so tight I almost couldn't walk, even after doing her few stretches at the end.
  • SmangeDiggs
    SmangeDiggs Posts: 238 Member
    I just finished the shred yesterday and i did it in 31days - i had one day off in level 3 due to having a visitor for a couple of days.
    By day 13ish i would grumble about doing it but didnt have to push myself to get up and do it, by day 30 i loved it.
    I lost a total of 41cm (16inch) and dont feel like my results or body were hampered by doing it everyday.
    I also still went to the gym 6 days a week while on the shred....it can be done..lol

    Good luck.