Back on the Wagon

MellyBug18 Posts: 6 Member
edited October 4 in Introduce Yourself
Hello my name is Mel, and I'm a foodacholic. This is my second attempt at using mfp. The first time was not successful,, obviously as I still sit here weighing a whopping 270 lbs, and miserable as can be. I'm making this my last attempt to save my life, my last chance to change my lifestyle. I realize that obesity is becoming the norm and its horrible. Why have we let ourselves get this way? I look around and there are so many children that run and can barely breathe, it breaks my heart. I am doing this because I have to be a role model. I have 4 nieces one of which is currently overweight. It kills me inside when I see her and hear her talk bad about herself, she is only 10. She tells me how people at school make fun of her, and I see the way her brother torments her. It takes me back to my childhood, I feel those emotions again of feeling like the biggest person in the class. I have always had issues with my weight, I guess alot of people have. I'm making this change today, I won't stand to be this way anymore. I am on my way to realizing my worth, to seeing my self as a healthier and skinnier person instead of this shell of a person. I am jumping on this wagon once more and though I may fall off because no body is perfect, I will get back on and keep rolling. I will be joining support groups this time, I need the support. I have a wonderful husband who will support me, but he also inhales a box of cookies at the same time. I love him dearly but he doesn't know what it is like to be "a fatty". I also have a best friend who is in the same boat as me, I'm hoping she joins mfp as well because she can use the support too. We support each other in our journies but its not working. So anyone who is looking for a new friend please add me, and I will gladly support back. Thanks for reading my post. And I wish everyone the best of luck on their own personal journey.


  • Welcome back! You can do it - DETERMINATION DETERMINATION DETERMINATION Good Luck!
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    Welcome back ! You can do this and i will send you a friends request ! Im sure when your neice sees you losing lots of weight she will want to do the same thing !
  • ShellyNoMore
    ShellyNoMore Posts: 2 Member
    You can TOTALLY do this. Just make up your mind to do it. And keep in mind the example you will be setting for your niece and what she will learn from you when you take care of yourself. Be sure to move every day. Just do it. Dont expect to like it, though you might. I have been going to the gym every day for years and do you think I love it? No, I hate it, would much rather be home on my butt. This is the first time I have held myself accountable for what goes in my mouth. I thought just because I exercised I could eat what I want. Doesnt work that way. I am hating restricting myself but as Oprah said, Nohting tastes as good as skinny. I am starting to taste it. Will gladly support you.
  • welcome back
    feel free to add me:)
    good luck!
  • Hello Mel. My name is Khris and I weigh 192.1 pounds. My goal like yourself is to lose this weight, but I want to feel healthy above all. I feel that one can get skinny, but feel and look unhealthy. For years and years I would tell myself that I am the way I am because of my ethnicity. Much of my family are large hispanic women that seem very proud of their added curves, not to mention that their spouces love every inch of them. But I want more for myself and I know that this added weight could lead to unhealthy results. I would love to weigh 140 pounds, but if I can only reach 150 pounds I would be happy for me and would more then welcome the curves. I applaud your honesty and your efforts. I myself am married to man that can eat what ever he wants and nothing! He is so supportive and he tells me that my weight is not an issue, but that my health is what he worries about the most. Mel, if you would like I would love to be part of your support group and you mine. Good luck and here's to the new and healthy us.
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