NEW! Need all the friends/support I can get!!!!

I'm new!! I was told about this site/app while on another site for woman with PCOS that are ttc!!
I have roughly 100lbs to lose, and just looking for friends/people that are going through the same struggles!! Definitely need motivation and a good support system!! Would love to have a group of people I can relate to! Tired of falling off and giving up! Feel free to ADD me!


  • Hey
    At the start of this year I weighed 202 lbs and while I still have some to lose, hence my being here, I have already lost 60 lbs and so I know you can do it. Today I cheated and I hate myself for doing it but what is done is done so I just need to work more tomorrow. If you need someone to help and listen to your worries, struggles and achievements I am here and know what it is like. :smile:
  • Emberlure
    Emberlure Posts: 33 Member
    I added you. I have 90 pounds to shed. :) We can support each other.
  • Moneicalynn
    Moneicalynn Posts: 136 Member
    Hello I am new here too.. Ive been on the site for almost 2 weeks now... I need to lose 115 pounds :( feel free to add me... support and motivation on this site is awesome...
  • azmama3
    azmama3 Posts: 1 Member
    Well, Im glad you are here. Weight loss has been a struggle for me for the last 10 years and I am so tired of feeling the way I feel (physically, and mentally). I have a lot of weight to lose myself, and Im here to join you on your journey as well! We can ALL do this. We can't give up. How many times have we all tried to lose but failed to keep it off? I know I have. But I have never lost all the weight I've needed to. Now is the time, while we are still young and have beautiful, young children that need us around for awhile :) This does not mean we won't have struggles through this journey. This does not mean we won't have bad days and eat what we shouldn't. That is what support is for. To help each other stay focused and on the wagon. This is actually my second time on MFP, I quit the first time because I was struggling, and to be very honest....not one single friend (I had 14 friends) lifted me up. I reached out, and I was like...what the heck? Isn't this part of why we make friends on here?? I am very serious about this journey. I HAVE to do this!! Let's do it together!! :)
  • traceycrapper
    traceycrapper Posts: 18 Member
    hi yes i am on and off the wagon more times than not but am feeling really optimistic since joining this site , good luck we will all help one another