Hi all

I'm sort of new. I starting using this a few months ago, then fell away from it. Im back to give it another shot. Ive downloaded the app on my phone so hopefully I'll be more likely to stick with it.


  • izzydino
    izzydino Posts: 254 Member
    welcome back!!!
  • Duendejenn
    Duendejenn Posts: 5 Member
    Hi there! I did the same, where I joined and then fell away from it. I've been sticking with it for about 1 week now. I downloaded the app on my phone too, and best believe it helps to keep you on track! Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • larat71
    larat71 Posts: 60
    Welcome home:)
  • uniformluvr
    uniformluvr Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks. I have stuck with it for all of Sept. & Oct so far,so now with the app. I think it should be much much easier. I even use it when Im eating out. Sure helps me decide what to order lol. :smile:
  • larat71
    larat71 Posts: 60
    Me, too! I have even started planning ahead when i know I'm going out to eat somewhere. Most restaurants these days have their menu online. I check it out and decide what I'm going to order, so I don't look stupid looking up the calories at the table:)