What do you eat to lose 100 pounds?

I'm ready to do everything now. I joined a week ago but did not take the time to put my food and exercise on because I was under the weather with sinus infection and ear infection. I'm so tired of what I've been eating. I believe I was exercising too much and not eating enough for about 3 months now. I did not lose a pound. I've been reading about eating some of your exercise calories back to keep the metabolism up. I have had days when I was good on my calories and exercise but was sooooo cold I had to wear a coat even when it was 100 degrees outside. I could hardly stand the AC. I got very depressed about not losing but hope to use your strategies and start to see some results soon. What do you eat for your meals that have helped you lose at least 100 pounds?

P.S. I'm seeing a doctor this week about my hormones and thyroid to see if I'm okay in that way.


  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    I have only lost around 32 so far, but eating as "clean" as possible is what works best I believe :)
  • leomom72
    leomom72 Posts: 1,797 Member
    eat in moderation, treat yourself sometimes, and DONT under eat and OVER exercise..good luck
  • bi0nicw0man
    bi0nicw0man Posts: 56 Member
    Start tracking on here to see how many calories you are actually eating. It's important!

    As far as what to eat... try to avoid processed foods and eat as much lean protein, fresh produce, low fat dairy and whole grains as your calorie allotment will allow.

    Good luck!!!
  • Kohadre
    Kohadre Posts: 316

    Or if you can afford it and are really extreme

    65% protein

    Example meal:
    8oz chicken breast (1 whole breast) - Grilled with no seasonings / sauce (grilling helps cook off as much fat as possible)
    1/8 cup chopped walnuts
    1 cup grilled peppers (green-red-yellow-orange)
    1 cup separated egg-white - scrambled - NO BUTTER
    1/4 cup white rice (boiled)
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    I haven't lost 100 lbs, but the way you lose 100 lbs is the same way you lose any number of lbs - by consuming less calories than your body is burning, For best results in terms of health and appearance, eat a moderate deficit and incorporate cardio and strength training.

    Short answer: plug your data into MFP, exercise 30-60 minutes a day, and hit your targets.
  • DarlingThief
    DarlingThief Posts: 78 Member
    What has worked for my husband (he's lost over 60 lbs since January) is mostly from the book "The 4-Hour Body" by Tim Ferris. Basically he eats a lot of beans, dark leafy greens, lean protein (very little red meat, mostly chicken, fish, and using ground turkey) and vegetables. I believe it's called the Slow Carb diet. I think Ferris also says that eating 30 grams of protein within 30 minuets of waking up can really jump start your metabolism for the day.

    I would recommend the book because you don't have to adopt everything to achieve results. Choose only what you think you can handle and then you can add and subtract as necessary.
  • leahbea22
    leahbea22 Posts: 37 Member
    4 oz of baked chicken is good, baked is always best or grilled.
    lots of green veggies. the dark in color the better for you. spinach is the best leafy green.
    cous cous. you can find it in the rice isle. a healthier form of "pastas" and "rice" without all the carbs and guiltiness
    fruit. again the darker the better
    slimfast drinks as meals.
    portion control. measuring out your food. (some things you will be surprised)
    yogurt is good, with organic granola or cut up fruit. DO NOT get plain yogurt it's so disgusting lol i find dannon light and fit to be the best in calories and other counts.

    I've been doing this for 3 weeks and have lost 5 lbs. Not a big loss, but it's a loss none the less, and I'm proud of it. I have a problem with meeting my calorie in take for the day. I generally sleep in later, have breakfast at lunch, lunch at dinner, and dinner sometime late. But I exercise for 2 hours on my workout programs and try to constantly be moving some how. Also, I have one cheat day. If you sometimes don't eat the things you love then it brings you down. Well, those are some of my tips. I hope they help. Good luck and happy weight loss
  • skinnylizzard
    skinnylizzard Posts: 460 Member
    When you get your dinner, 1/2 the plate should be veggies. The other 1/2 should be a split between lean protein and a healthy carb (like brown rice or whole wheat pasta). This seams to be the most recognized method....that being said, you have to experiment to see what works for you. Pay attention to energy levels and cravings. I'm on a mainly veggie, lots of protein and rarely carbs.
  • skinnylizzard
    skinnylizzard Posts: 460 Member
  • romping
    romping Posts: 64 Member
    Lean Meat, Fish, Lean Pork, Chicken, lots of Bright Vegetables, small amount of fruit (apples, pears, canalope), dense whole wheat bread, whole wheat spagetti with veggies once a week, cheeses, nuts, lots of flavored water, a few pieces of dark chocolate, eggs and tomatoes as protein for breakfast, litte bit of diet granola, canola oil, olive oil, keep my carbs at around 100 grams a day. Find unique ways to cook the protein and bright vegetables. Drink more flavored water. Walk everyday. Sleep 7 hours a night. Enter everything I eat into myfitnesspal. Never let myself get hungry. Have little protein snacks between meals. Cheese or nuts or apple.

    That´s pretty much what I eat. Good luck!
  • skinnylizzard
    skinnylizzard Posts: 460 Member

    Or if you can afford it and are really extreme

    65% protein

    Example meal:
    8oz chicken breast (1 whole breast) - Grilled with no seasonings / sauce (grilling helps cook off as much fat as possible)
    1/8 cup chopped walnuts
    1 cup grilled peppers (green-red-yellow-orange)
    1 cup separated egg-white - scrambled - NO BUTTER
    1/4 cup white rice (boiled)
    Where's your veggies?!
  • LisaMDJ
    LisaMDJ Posts: 18
    A few years ago I lost 110 pounds and I didn't think once about percentages of carbs or protein or fat. I could've gone a healthier route, but I tended to eat mostly whole foods anyway because they give you the most bang for your buck in terms of calorie allowance and how they make you feel in general. I set a calorie limit (as high as I could make it and still lose weight -- I never dropped below 1500 calories) and I just stuck to it. Sometimes I ate junk and sometimes I ate healthy stuff. Sometimes I had cheat days or cheat meals, and I still lost weight. I gained 80 pounds back when I was pregnant, though! Now I'm trying to do it again.

    The point is -- you can eat what you want, in moderation, as long as you're eating fewer calories than you burn. Just don't listen to this 1200 calorie nonsense and think you HAVE to drop to that amount because it's the lowest allowed. I don't know why people think that's some kind of magic number for everyone.
  • skinnylizzard
    skinnylizzard Posts: 460 Member
    Lean Meat, Fish, Lean Pork, Chicken, lots of Bright Vegetables, small amount of fruit (apples, pears, canalope), dense whole wheat bread, whole wheat spagetti with veggies once a week, cheeses, nuts, lots of flavored water, a few pieces of dark chocolate, eggs and tomatoes as protein for breakfast, litte bit of diet granola, canola oil, olive oil, keep my carbs at around 100 grams a day. Find unique ways to cook the protein and bright vegetables. Drink more flavored water. Walk everyday. Sleep 7 hours a night. Enter everything I eat into myfitnesspal. Never let myself get hungry. Have little protein snacks between meals. Cheese or nuts or apple.

    That´s pretty much what I eat. Good luck!
    I LIKE this one....lots of veggies, lots of protein!!!
  • Kohadre
    Kohadre Posts: 316

    Or if you can afford it and are really extreme

    65% protein

    Example meal:
    8oz chicken breast (1 whole breast) - Grilled with no seasonings / sauce (grilling helps cook off as much fat as possible)
    1/8 cup chopped walnuts
    1 cup grilled peppers (green-red-yellow-orange)
    1 cup separated egg-white - scrambled - NO BUTTER
    1/4 cup white rice (boiled)
    Where's your veggies?!

    the one cup of grilled peppers?
  • gazz777
    gazz777 Posts: 722
    eat in moderation, treat yourself sometimes, and DONT under eat and OVER exercise..good luck
    ^^^ this ^^^
    Caloric Defecit ....
    Lost 72 lb this year (goal = 100).... what worked for me...
    - when ill, carefully watch what you eat and rest heaps. your body is healing. I joined MFP when I couldn't exercise due to flu.
    - when well and able, try to consume (ie eat) AND use (ie exercise, or day-today work if 'on your toes') ABOVE your resting calorie rate (eg 1500 a day for me if I do nothing except eat and sleep, etc.) --- MFP is perfect for tracking this.
    - I stopped drinking sugar rich Cola's and stopped adding sugar to sweeten breakfasts and coffee / tea
    - 8 cups / glasses water per day, more if sweating or diarrhea.
    - dont obsess, it is slow going

    As I said, this worked for me. 8 months on and 2/3rds the way through I am refining things such as specific exercises and nutritional requirements. If, like me, you go cold turkey on something, your body will react - keep this in check (eg headaches from withdrawals, etc.).

    Cheering you on as you go. Feel free to send a friend request.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    I don't eat any magical food, I don't eat "clean", I don't eat half a plate of veggies, I don't eat only 10% of my calories as fat (I'm set to 30% in fact...yum). I don't avoid any foods in particular although I generally CHOOSE not to eat certain things that are less nutritionally dense calories because I don't like taking a multivitamin.

    I also avoid most hyper processed food because I was raised not eating that stuff and most of it tastes bad to me (I can taste the preservatives and corn syrup and I dislike the taste of both).

    But yesterday I had a double double, some fries, and some of my boyfriend's milkshake, and I lost 2 lbs this week (way more than I should have actually). Oh and I eat LOTS of food compared to a lot of people on here - some people are eating 1200-1400 calories a day, I eat like 1800-1900.

    But here's the secret:

    If you don't think you can do low-carb or "Clean" or "vegan" or "low fat" forever, either plan to transition off it in 2 months (or whatever) or don't bother because when you inevitably fall off the bandwagon you will just get depressed and stop dieting.

    heck - my boyfriend is losing weight by eating EXACTLY the same stuff he did before, but cutting out 2 cokes a day. That's it. That's 300 empty calories a day that he no longer drinks and boom - weight loss. He substitutes water or diet. How easy is that?
  • kandrews24
    kandrews24 Posts: 610 Member
    I'm sorry that you've had a rough start. Sometimes that happens. I have 150 lbs to lose. I've lost 47 lbs. It is a simple formula really = burn more calories than you need = weight loss. It takes time.

    You've gotten lots of great responses to this post. I don't have a great deal to add except this:

    Figure out how many calories you need to maintain your weight. (Just adjust your settings on MFP so that you know that number.) Once you know that number, then set your goal (to lose 1 lb per week or whatever). From there after, don't ever ever ever eat more than your maintenance number. Even of treat or cheat days.

    The most important thing you can do, IS NEVER GAIN WEIGHT AGAIN.

    After you lose 10 lbs. Go back and check your new calorie maintenance number.

    Go easy on yourself. You can't make tons of changes at once.

    Once you start logging everything you put in your mouth . . . the rest will follow.

    And guess what . . . you need to change the way you eat . . . to lose . . . and to keep it off. So, today is the first day of the rest of your life. Get started!

    Good luck. You've come to the right place. You can do this!
  • pitbullmama
    pitbullmama Posts: 454 Member
    If you don't think you can do low-carb or "Clean" or "vegan" or "low fat" forever, either plan to transition off it in 2 months (or whatever) or don't bother because when you inevitably fall off the bandwagon you will just get depressed and stop dieting.

    I have lost 35 and still have alot more to go. Nothing is truly off limits. Take it one day at a time. Slow and steady wins the race. All those typical cliches. I have sent you a friend request if you want some company along the way. Best wishes and welcome.
  • Sublog
    Sublog Posts: 1,296 Member

    Or if you can afford it and are really extreme

    65% protein

    Goodbye sweet horomones. That diet is way too low in fats. Eat minimally .3/.4g of fats per lb of lean body mass. .3 is pushing it. On a standart 2000 calorie diet with 150 lbs of lean body mass, that would be 45g of fats or 20% of your 2k intake.
  • martalaurazayas
    martalaurazayas Posts: 75 Member
    What has worked for me is clean eating, planning meals in advance, choosing nutrient dense over less nutritional options, inputting my foods daily and striving at 1200 calories a day.

    After that is done, then I ACCEPT this is a long journey with no instant results.

    Good luck!