Has anyone tried Alli pills?



  • jgic2009
    jgic2009 Posts: 531 Member
    Alli works by preventing your body from absorbing some of the fat you eat. If you eat more fat than they recommend, you'll have some of the embarrassing issues already mentioned here.

    It seems to me it would be easier (and with a much lower risk of embarrassment) to just be more careful about what you're eating--no pills needed.
  • LosingJenn
    I had tried just about everything except diet pills when I decided I would try Alli. I was terrified of experiencing side effects, but I did not have any. I lost 11 pounds in the month I was using it. I had NO side effects, but followed the plan.

    There were no differences in my bowel control, no leaking, and no oily farts, but there was some orange oil that came out when I did go to the bath room and have a bowel movement.

    It is an actual plan, not just a pill. You can not just eat any high fat food you want and expect it to work with no side effects. You have to follow the plan. If you stay within the recommended range of fat you should not have bad side effects. The plan is easy, you can use the book that comes with it or the online version. I used the online version.

    I just decided that I could do it without the expense of the pill and so I don't use it anymore, but have considered using it again if I don't get past this plateau I am experiencing.
  • Mitchlou84
    There is such a lot of incorrect information on this around. I have used this quite successfully to help me lose weight. It is an easy plan to follow, you ge a calorie allowance and a fat allowance per meal alloated based on weight and activity, mine is 1800 cals and 19g of fat.

    Now this 19g of fat has to account for everything, cooking method, healthy fats such as salmon, eggs etc but it is actually plenty.

    I cook everything grilled or baked if possible but when frying I will drain the fat and use oil spray only. I eat a lot of minced beef meals, I add cheese to a lot of things because I love the taste. I eat salmon, omelettes with eggs and cheese, home made cheese burgers!

    There is NO rectal leaking if you follow the plan. If you eat as close to the 19g of fat a meal that I am allowed but stay within your calorie limit you will be regular, but might see an oily sheen in the toilet (I am actually on the double strength ones too and trust me, no underwear has been ruined).

    This isn't a diet pill for someone who wants to do no work, but lose weight, you follow a healthy eating plan, you get no nasty side effects and a 25/30% of the fat calories you eat you don't absorb.

    So it works if you do the work. I agree that you would lose weight by doing the 1800 cals, 19g fat thing without the tablets, but not as quickly.

    To the OP though, 10 pills should only last you 3 days so would do nothing for you. You want to try more like 3 months!!
  • JulieThielen
    JulieThielen Posts: 14 Member
    I have to agree with you. As long as you stay within your calorie range and fat range no problems should occur. I too am on the 60g/19g. I try to keep it at 16 g a meal though as I am stuck in a class room for several hours a day. No time for bathroom runs. While I have only been on this for two weeks I see a difference. I took this last year and lost 20 pounds in two months. I wish I had stayed on it as I put the weight back on. I am noticing shrinking in my waist already.
  • bmqbonnie
    bmqbonnie Posts: 836 Member
    I've done it. Can't recommend it. If you do the math, it really isn't going to make a dramatic difference in weight loss. It blocks absorption of what, 25% of the fat you eat? And you're still supposed to eat healthy so fat shouldn't be a huge part of your diet anyway, and only so many of your calories come from fat... yeah, doesn't add up to huge savings.

    And you may still have, ahem, side effects even if you are pretty careful about what you eat. I didn't finish the bottle and it took a month or two for my digestive system to get back to its normal non seeping self.
  • Romans624
    Romans624 Posts: 822
    I tried them sometime around a year ago. Didn't notice much difference, but I didn't use religiously. Noticed oily stools (sorry) when I ate something really fattening, but nothing I could not control.

    As long as your doc is ok with it, you could try it if you eat fattier food (no point unless there is fat in the food)

    but honestly... I don't think its going to do much with 10 pills... see your doc.

    EDIT: Side note, if you do take them, find out if they make you not absorb things. I think I've heard it can make you not absorb certain vitamins, nutrients, medicines...etc. In any case... I must sum up with check with your doc but don't expect a miracle with this.
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    I HIGHLY recommend GNC Women's Ultra Mega Active vitamins!

    THIS :) ^^^^^^
  • bestrodeo
    bestrodeo Posts: 139 Member
    I have taken them and loved them..
    I can't say that i lost any weight with them cause I didnt
    However Alli is what gave me the jump start I needed to actually start losing inches. Last dec I started taking Alli I was a size 10/12 in Jan when i left California to move back to Texas I was a size 3.. Im not joking. Thou like i said I never lost a pound I only lost inches but for me that was a big step in the right direction. Now Im working on the weight part.

    I recommend Alli to everyone who asks me How I look as good as i do...
  • JulieThielen
    JulieThielen Posts: 14 Member
    Yes vitamins should be taken as recommended. I am hyperthyroid with hypo side effects. Losing weight is almost impossible no matter how much I work out or cut calories. Alli is working for me with the permission of my doc. I have noticed I am losing inches and I didn't notice it until I put on a top I hadn't worn in a while and it looked like a new top. Over all I am pleased.
  • dovesgate
    dovesgate Posts: 894 Member
    Well, you could always try that double 30DS challenge in the fitness board. A woman posted a schedule where you do 40min of 30DS per day, mixing and matching the levels. If regular 30DS lets people lose inches, and you have a couple weeks, as long as you got in some cardio and upped your calories to match your caloric expenditure, you should see serious results.

    Even if you did just the regular 30DS program (and again, add cardio too) for as long as you have before your trip, you'll at least lose inches, maybe pounds.

    And again, check your calories. A slight increase might be the incentive your body needs to start losing again.