Meal replacement protien bars?

I know a lot of people on here are strongly against that kinda stuff, but anyone wanna reassure me they're okay? Haha. Today I have work from 12-5 and I know it's gonna be really busy and I most likely won't get a chance to eat, so I was gonna have one before in hopes it'll hold me over until dinner time. Good idea? Bad?


  • AdAstra47
    AdAstra47 Posts: 823 Member
    First of all, if your employer works you for five hours without giving you a lunch break, they are breaking federal law.

    Second, whether protein bars are "OK" or not just depends on your personal eating & health plan. Personally, I am high-protein low-carb, and I still haven't found a protein bar that is low enough in carbs & sugars for me. But if I did, I'd totally use it.
  • lkwalker71
    lkwalker71 Posts: 131 Member
    I have one almost every day for breakfast. I eat the Special K ones. They keep me full for about 4 hours. I just finished the chocolate peanut butter one a few minutes ago. I think they are fine.
  • jdawson1
    I love them! I wouldn't worry about it a bit! I don't use them daily either, but it is way better than many things you can eat! Like the nasty pop tart I just couldn't walk away from this morning! :)
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    I don't mean to open a philosophical can of worms, but it largely depends on your viewpoints about food and how you define "healthy" and "not healthy".

    I used to eat them and don't anymore, but not because I think they are unhealthy, but because the calories relative to the protein content is typically a bit higher than I'd like. I'd get more enjoyment out of meat. For convenience sake they are still nice to have, but in that situation I'll use whey powder, and save the calories for food.
  • daves160
    daves160 Posts: 600
    Try the Clif Builders. They have 20g protein, 30g carbs, 7 g fat.
    They are all organic and the carbs are complex carbs, the fat is from nuts and the like , so it is the good fats as well.
    They are about 270 cals. and are pretty big, so you can even split it in half.

    I love them. They are about the tastiest ones I have eaten
  • dobarber
    dobarber Posts: 611 Member
    Clif bars are good. I ate the peanut butter one this morning. 270 cals and filling.
  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
    Bar > Candy :) That's how I see it!
  • aclark6818
    aclark6818 Posts: 209 Member
    I like to grab one in the morning--because I'm always running late. The Snickers Marathon one is good & if I'm looking for more fiber I sometimes grab a South Beach one. It's better than a doughnut or candy bar.
  • ashleyxnicole89
    ashleyxnicole89 Posts: 38 Member
    Why not just eat a pb&j? Or eat lunch before you go in. I wait tables at Olive Garden. So I know how it is to work way too many hours with out a break and to work during 2 meal times. What I try to do is eat a decent breakfast then have brunch something smaller just so I know I won't get that crazy hunger from not eating for like 5-8 hours. I also put snacks in my purse like a fruit, yogurt, or pb&j even if it's just a half sandwich. This helps me because I try to keep a high metabolism by eating many small things throughout the day.
  • bellinachuchina
    bellinachuchina Posts: 498 Member
    Pure Protein brand is great. My fave: Chocolate Peanut Butter Flavor, 200cals, 20g protein, 16g carbs, 6g fat, 2g sugar. BEST numbers I've found in bars. I also make my own at home.
  • healthysuze
    The best ones I've found are Elevate Me bars. Just dates, fruits, nuts etc., and whey protein powder. Not coated in all the chocolate. A good option if you are totally stuck for real food.
  • harlanJEN
    harlanJEN Posts: 1,089 Member
    Clif Builders. 20 g protein. They are big, so they are def not a snack.. Meal bar. I keep them in my desk drawer along with skim milk in the fridge @ work. I"ll have a bar and some milk on those days that I can't get away from my desk - quick lunch. My fave is the chocolate mint.

    In regard to food, all things in moderation. I don't eat bars all the time, but these are good for those times when I need a quick lunch that provides me some protein and fills me up. A bar and a cup of skim - I"m good to go.
  • kharano
    My fav is the Clif Bar, too. They also sell a box of 100-calorie snack bars. I always keep a couple of them in my glovebox for time when I've just waited too long to eat and am starting to "shake". I plan for snacks in my daily food, and Clif Bars are among the healthiest non-veggie snacks I eat. They have lots of complex carbs, protein, and low sugar, and they actually taste pretty good! Hope you have a great day at work!