Confused and Dissapointed

Okay so I would just like a few suggestions, cause I am a little confused and a little upset about how my week went. I worked out 3 times this week at the Y, and burned at least 800 calories each time, I was under my calories all week except for one day. ( I didn't realize how many calories were in a meal I prepared for my family and went over by about 300) I started really watching what I was doing and going to the gym on Monday, on Friday I weighed myself and only had a loss of 0.4 lbs. That just doesn't seem fair to me.

I joined this website over a year ago now, the first six months I lost 12 lbs, then it was xmas time last year, and through the holidays I gained almost all of it back, and really did nothing about it all summer. So I did a reset, and restarted. I know I have thyroid issues, and I am on medication for it but I did then when I lost the 12 too. Over the last 4 weeks I have only managed to lose a little over 4lbs.

I want this really bad this time, and have decided that even though my weight loss was so little, I am going to keep going. But I was wondering if anyone had any ideas as to why all the hard work this week gave me little results.


  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    One pound a week is a healthy weight loss. You are doing great. Do not try to lose too fast because you will get flabby.
  • Ninja_Knitty
    Sorry you are having a hard time with your results. I don't have any answers, but keep changing things up to find what works for you. Also, play around with less sugars and watch the salt. I've heard people lower those and see great results. Make those calories count, and keep at it. You will find the sweet spot.
  • daves160
    daves160 Posts: 600
    I would like to see your diary, so I can maybe make food suggestions?
    I also don't know how much you weigh right now in proportion to how much you have lost.

    But you said you have been losing 1 lb a week in the last 4 weeks. That's good. Especially when you compare 12lbs over a 6 month period. That is double.
  • czechsmate
    czechsmate Posts: 556 Member
    I think a pound a week is awesome! Slow and steady wins the race!
  • Samantha76
    Samantha76 Posts: 59 Member
    I would like to see your diary, so I can maybe make food suggestions?
    I also don't know how much you weigh right now in proportion to how much you have lost.

    I have no problems with you looking at my diary any suggestions are well welcomed, the only problem is that I am a very finicky eater, but I have been working on that to, and really trying to get past my dislike of most foods. Right now I am sitting just under 226. I left my weigh in sheet at work, so I am not totally sure what it is at, but it is close to their.
  • Ninja_Knitty
    Dave is right. I only lost 1 pound every one or two weeks, but anything more would have been unhealthy for me.
  • missyyclaire
    missyyclaire Posts: 572 Member
    Plateaus suck. They won't be there forever, but they do suck. They suck at your resolve and confidence...but please please don't give up. Eventually you will break through and you will be so glad you kept going.

    From a girl who's been on a plateau for 3 weeks.

    If it would be of benefit to join our Challenge, we'd love to have you. Perhaps the extra support and mini goal might help? Having you there would help me!
  • WilliamsPeggy
    WilliamsPeggy Posts: 440 Member
    How frustrating!

    It's harder to lose when you're at a healthy weight. Have you checked your BMI? You put in your height, weight, sex, & age, then it calculates what's a healthy weight range. If you don't have a lot to lose, then the weight loss can be really slow going. Not that weight loss is ever easy, even when you're in the "overweight" or "obese" categories.

    Also, if you're a female during your time of the month, you could be retaining water. Your weight can fluctuate by about 3 lbs.

    I'm sorry you're not seeing pay off for your hard work right now. I really hope the weight comes off quicker for you in the following weeks. Maybe someone else on here will have better insight for you.

    For what it's worth, we all have slow weeks & times when we feel frustrated & like, "What's the point?" I hope you are able to stay on track & not let this stop you from making healthy choices. Good luck.
  • Samantha76
    Samantha76 Posts: 59 Member
    Plateaus suck. They won't be there forever, but they do suck. They suck at your resolve and confidence...but please please don't give up. Eventually you will break through and you will be so glad you kept going.

    From a girl who's been on a plateau for 3 weeks.

    If it would be of benefit to join our Challenge, we'd love to have you. Perhaps the extra support and mini goal might help? Having you there would help me!

    I would love to join your challenge, but I am currently in two different challenges now, one at work (which I started 4 weeks ago, and watching the lbs melt off some of the others, but a couple are slow going like me), and another 15 week challenge on here. I don't know if it would be a good idea to join another, it might get confusing, but I will try it.
  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    While it may be frustrating, you're doing this the right way. Some people get overzealous and expect to lose a lot quickly, which is unsustainable. While they may lose the weight quickly initially, they will be unable to stick to their plan and will end up plateauing or even gaining the weight back. Keep up with your plan, and slowly but surely you will get the results you want! Don't lose focus or hope :D
  • christine_bennett
    I too have thyroid issues - I take medication for it, but I can tell you if they are genuine issues diagnosed by a doctor - it will unfortunately take you longer than others to lose weight. Just bear in mind ANY loss is great - you are going down that's the point. Also, no doctor ever told me this, but there are certain foods that act as thyroid inhibitors - everyday things you would never realise -
    Here is a list of things to cut back on or avoid - bear in mind that you don't need to cut out ALL of these completely - but just be aware of your intake

    Also, I have been told that Garlic isn't great for hypothyroidism either

    Hope this helps you - bear in mind also that having thyroid issues doesn't put weight on you, it only inhibits weight loss, so don't make that an excuse for weight gain

    Good luck :)
  • Samantha76
    Samantha76 Posts: 59 Member
    How frustrating!

    It's harder to lose when you're at a healthy weight. Have you checked your BMI? You put in your height, weight, sex, & age, then it calculates what's a healthy weight range. If you don't have a lot to lose, then the weight loss can be really slow going. Not that weight loss is ever easy, even when you're in the "overweight" or "obese" categories.

    Also, if you're a female during your time of the month, you could be retaining water. Your weight can fluctuate by about 3 lbs.

    I'm sorry you're not seeing pay off for your hard work right now. I really hope the weight comes off quicker for you in the following weeks. Maybe someone else on here will have better insight for you.

    For what it's worth, we all have slow weeks & times when we feel frustrated & like, "What's the point?" I hope you are able to stay on track & not let this stop you from making healthy choices. Good luck.

    Unfortunalty my BMI is 31.5, so it is in the obese category, even though I don't classify myself that way, Yes I am overweight and trying to lose it, but I don't consider myself obese. I never really have trusted those things, I really dont think they take into account body type (small bone vs big bones, even though I am very small boned).

    I am not giving up, this is something I really want. I want to avoid future health problems, and be there for my kids much later in life.

    I really appreciate the comments, any help is great.
  • Samantha76
    Samantha76 Posts: 59 Member
    I too have thyroid issues - I take medication for it, but I can tell you if they are genuine issues diagnosed by a doctor - it will unfortunately take you longer than others to lose weight. Just bear in mind ANY loss is great - you are going down that's the point. Also, no doctor ever told me this, but there are certain foods that act as thyroid inhibitors - everyday things you would never realise -
    Here is a list of things to cut back on or avoid - bear in mind that you don't need to cut out ALL of these completely - but just be aware of your intake

    Also, I have been told that Garlic isn't great for hypothyroidism either

    Hope this helps you - bear in mind also that having thyroid issues doesn't put weight on you, it only inhibits weight loss, so don't make that an excuse for weight gain

    Good luck :)

    Thanks for the website. I think that is a great tool. After looking at it, I guess I shouldn't be eating as many strawberries as I do. I will have to cut them back, can't cut them out though, I love them way to much.
  • daves160
    daves160 Posts: 600
    Thanks for adding me!

    Well, I looked at your diary, and overall it doesn't seem too bad.
    Suggestions I would make are;
    1. Cut out processed food meals - try to cook with whole foods, it doesn't take longer, and you cut out all that sugar, fat and garbage they add.
    2. Reduce/cut out white rice/potatoes/pastas. These are starchy foods, and turn into sugar. Instead, try whole wheat pastas and long grain brown rice,as well as a few other good alternatives.
    3. Corn is our enemy! -eat green veggies as much as possible. Yams are good too.
    4. I f you use dairy products, try to get organic grass fed. And use whole milk, not non-fat.
    I posted a link to an article I found on the subject in my blog.

    These are key things my Martial arts trainer, who is also a nutritionist, told me to do. I also posted my food plan on my blog if you care to take a look.
  • Samantha76
    Samantha76 Posts: 59 Member
    WOW, I am really greatful for all the great comments. This is the firs time I have posted a topic, and am really glad I did. Thank you to everyone. I will take in everthing and see how it works. I am feeling hopeful again. Thanks to all
  • vsmith1981
    vsmith1981 Posts: 44 Member
    Also if you are working out - I beg you - get this scale

    When you are working out your are gaining muscle which weighs MORE than fat... so you may have weeks like this where you don't weigh a lot less. I always base my week's satisfaction based on measuring my body fat compared to my muscle percentage.

    I think it was worth every penny!
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    I want to start off by saying that scale weight loss and fat loss aren't the same thing. Just because the scale doesn't move, it doesn't mean you aren't losing fat.

    I would suggest that you start tracking your body fat percentage to compare your scale weight loss to your fat loss. You can lose a low number of scale weight and lose a high number of fat.

    When you find out your body fat percentage, use this formula each time to track your progress.

    Weight x Body fat percentage = Pounds of fat
    Weight - Pounds of fat = Lean Boss Mass.

    If you want to learn more about Fat Loss Vs Scale Weight Loss check my thread out.

    If you have any questions, feel free to send me a message.
  • scleesh
    scleesh Posts: 91 Member
    Did you measure? If not do it NOW. I measured when I started doing 30 day shred. I had only lost 2 lbs the first 10 days which was upsetting. I measured though and lost a total of approx. 4 inches. One lb of fat and one lb of muscle is still one lb. You may being losing the fat but building your muscle. Now...go measure. Both thighs (the top fatty part), both arms (top fatty part again) , waist, bust (around the nipple), and your neck. Yes your neck. I lost a 1/4 inch from my neck. Measure again in 2 weeks. Be patient. You can do this. You are doing it the healthy way. AND one lb week isn't horrible. Good Luck!!
  • ConquistadorofLife
    ConquistadorofLife Posts: 14 Member
    every loss is a loss and you should pat your self on the back for it, congrats hunny so proud of you, be proud of your self, remember rome wasnt built in a day
  • Rhodygarden
    A pound a week is a healthy loss. It sounds to me like you are doing great!

    I don't lose very fast - but I am in this for a 'lifestyle change'. What has helped me is to change my mind set. I am eating healthier, I am exercising more, I am enjoying less knee pain from getting my weight down and by sticking with it day after day -- even if others are losing faster I am still making progress toward my goal. I do not look at this as a 'diet' I see it as eating and exercising well to improve myself and my life.

    If aything I have learned helps you - all the better.