Attractive or not for the poster above :)



  • ukaryote
    ukaryote Posts: 874 Member
    Um... I'm not really a parrot

    Aw, nuts. Parrots are hot!
  • Do these claws make me look fat? =/

    no, they make you intimidating - but in an attractive way.

    My current profile pic is 15 years old and was taken when I was 37.

    you're beautiful no matter what age you are :)

    as for me- i have one BIG *kitten*. not cottage cheesey, but still... hot or not?
  • 19 years old with 4 tattoos and had 10 body piercings (i only have 7 in now though, the rest were taken out)

    probably not hot right.. haha
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    i dont get this thread.

    I'd say you aren't the only one.
  • GreatSetOfBrains
    GreatSetOfBrains Posts: 675 Member
    19 years old with 4 tattoos and had 10 body piercings (i only have 7 in now though, the rest were taken out)

    probably not hot right.. haha

    Ten, oh boy I have you more than doubled.

    Love piercings!
  • Um... I'm not really a parrot

    lol. . that's great! =)
  • having the name yummy makes you hot :)

    im not as egotistical as i pretend to be, attractive or not? lol

    Lol attractive

    So here goes another one for me: I work with kids with autism as undergrad research. Is that attractive or not?

    Yes that's attractive! I work with juvies and have the mouth of a sailor. Attractive or not?!

    Yes to both! Anyone who works with young people for a living is attractive, among other lots of good things.
  • Noof91
    Noof91 Posts: 61 Member
    I have psoriasis it's sooo not attractive...hahaha
    Glasses can be quite hot.

    I have it also on my scalp and I hate it even though no one can see it
    but when it is under control, it is not bad

    one thing about me
    my hair cover all my back
    do u think this still attractive ?