eating very little calories and have lost weight

I know most people wont agree with this post but I will ask the question anyway. I have always ate around 1000 cals or so and the scales havent moved. The advice I got on here was to eat more. Due to personal circumstance this week has been extremley busy and I have had very little time to eat. I am lucky if I have ate 400 cals per day this week. Anyway I weighed myself and have lost 6 pound from Monday. I am now nervous about eating normal again incase I gain it back.

Also, how could this have happened if I before everyone was saying I was not eating enough but yet I was eating much more than I was this week.


  • cirellim
    cirellim Posts: 269
    Your bodies probably in starvation mode 400 calories per day is terrible and you're way under eating.
  • vtempes
    vtempes Posts: 47
    Not a nutrition expert...but your body needs food to survive...and will get it if you won't provide it. You are potentially losing muscle(not fat) because your body needs fuel....
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    I'm certainly not a nutrition expert but I am pretty sure that 400 calories per day is not enough to get the proper nutrients one's body needs for LONGTERM health and fitness. Plus, an extremely low calorie diet is difficult for most people to sustain for more than a few days or weeks. That's why many "diets" don't work so well. You may gain that 6 pounds back, you may not...but think about the longterm benefits of weight loss and not just quickie success. If it takes you longer to lose, it may be easier to keep off in the future.

    Good luck!
  • KettyLan
    KettyLan Posts: 440 Member
  • Alice230
    This is not healthy. You may lose weight but,you didn't lose it in a healthy manner. If you continue doing this you will be starving yourself and the outcome will not be pretty.
  • rockchick90
    tbh you'll probably put quite a bit of the weight back on once you start eating properley again because you're body will be in starvation mode so it wont want to let go of those extra calories!
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    When you eat that low your body has to get energy from somewhere. Its not all fat. Goodbye to a good portion of muscle and hello skinny fat
  • Kelsey_Renee
    You maybe losing 'weight' but that weight is probably all muscle. 400 calories is not enough to properly feed your body. I was once told that not even a toddler could survive on 500 calories. The slower you lose the pounds, the less likely you'll gain it back. Your body needs proper nutrition.
  • susanofscottsdale
    Depending on your activity level, you are likely undereating and I hope the you are able to eat more. Having nuts on hand helps. They are a good source of protein and calories.

    Your weight loss should not be a surprise. To lose a pound requires running a deficit of about 3,500 calories over a period of time. On a short term basis, water gain or loss can throw the scale either way.

    Dispite what is said on this site, clinical studies show that "starvation mode" is only entered/evoked after a prolonged, excessive calorie shortage of 500-1000 calories per day. There is no science that shows that a healthy person can impact their metabolic rate one way or the other in a week.

    Since you were not losing weight on 1,000 calories a day - you might want to consider the foods that you are eating. For me to lose weight, I have to watch both my calories and carbs - and keep my carbs under 125 grams a day on average, to lose. I literally can gain weight at 1,200 calories a day with a lot of carrots. All bodies are different. The tracking tools and range of comments available from this site can help you find what works for you.

    Best wishes.
  • jameslucy
    jameslucy Posts: 85 Member
    I did not set out this week to eat so little it was just a hectic week. I agree with all your posts and agree that if I start eating normal I wiil gain. Should I build the cals up gradually and do more exercise to try and stop gaining loads.
  • LabRat529
    LabRat529 Posts: 1,323 Member
    You know what? This is a hot-button topic that I keep seeing crop up over and over... and it kinda makes me grouchy.

    Here's the deal. You CAN lose weight on a very low calorie diet. But why on earth would you want to? You risk doing damage to your heart, your liver, your kidneys, and other vital organs. Seriously. I'm not making this up.

    To be fair, you probably can't sustain the diet long enough to do permanent damage. Our bodies are pretty freaking amazing and can recover from serious physical stresses. But why would you want to risk it?

    Spend a little time on or talk to a doctor or a registered dietitian. On occasions, a doctor or dietitian might actually encourage very low calorie diets (gastric sleeves, etc.., are forced low calorie diets), but that's usually when the health risks of being obese out-weigh the risks of the diet... and regardless... it's usually under medical supervision.

    But... you'll hear from plenty of people on here cheering the low calorie diet... and if your desire to be thin outweighs your desire to be healthy... then more power too you, I guess.

    And plenty of other people have said what I've said... so... it's one of those things. I hope you'll do the smart thing and eat. But... it's your life. Do what you want with it.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    That's called an eating disorder. Congratulations.
  • Cathleenr
    Cathleenr Posts: 332
    You know what? This is a hot-button topic that I keep seeing crop up over and over... and it kinda makes me grouchy.

    Here's the deal. You CAN lose weight on a very low calorie diet. But why on earth would you want to? You risk doing damage to your heart, your liver, your kidneys, and other vital organs. Seriously. I'm not making this up.

    To be fair, you probably can't sustain the diet long enough to do permanent damage. Our bodies are pretty freaking amazing and can recover from serious physical stresses. But why would you want to risk it?

    Spend a little time on or talk to a doctor or a registered dietitian. On occasions, a doctor or dietitian might actually encourage very low calorie diets (gastric sleeves, etc.., are forced low calorie diets), but that's usually when the health risks of being obese out-weigh the risks of the diet... and regardless... it's usually under medical supervision.

    But... you'll hear from plenty of people on here cheering the low calorie diet... and if your desire to be thin outweighs your desire to be healthy... then more power too you, I guess.

    And plenty of other people have said what I've said... so... it's one of those things. I hope you'll do the smart thing and eat. But... it's your life. Do what you want with it.

    LOL ftw. true story.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    I know most people wont agree with this post but I will ask the question anyway. I have always ate around 1000 cals or so and the scales havent moved. The advice I got on here was to eat more. Due to personal circumstance this week has been extremley busy and I have had very little time to eat. I am lucky if I have ate 400 cals per day this week. Anyway I weighed myself and have lost 6 pound from Monday. I am now nervous about eating normal again incase I gain it back.

    Also, how could this have happened if I before everyone was saying I was not eating enough but yet I was eating much more than I was this week.
    Consistent eating this way will put a tax on your metabolism and you will start mentally fighting to eat correctly. It's one of the first steps to an eating disorder. Look for help if you feel you need to.
  • oneoddsock
    oneoddsock Posts: 321 Member
    That's called an eating disorder. Congratulations.

    Wow, what a genuinely horrible thing to say, and an awful thing to joke about.

    To to the original poster - are you able to plan your meals in advance to get some more calories on board? Could you take a packed lunch, or take some snacks with you? You will make yourself ill if you go for long periods on such a low intake.
  • ctroxell2011
    Also makes me grouchy, thanks for stating that. This is not a difficult concept, your body needs fuel to function properly, if you neglect your body, your body will neglect you back, in time.

    You need to keep your calories low, but you also need to eat the right TYPES of calories. Clearly you need to put a lot more thought and time into this to find out where you start losing weight in a healthy way, instead of just skipping meals, which, as previously posted, results in being thinner, but having a higher percentage of body fat.

    Muscle is what fuels metabolism, so here's the hilarious part about starving yourself: you can temporarily lose weight (muscle) by starving yourself, (your body will literally begin to burn the muscle to fuel itself since you aren't doing it with food). Muscle is what fuels your metabolism, so the less you have, the slower your metabolism will be. eventually you will mess up your metabolism so badly that you'll end up gaining weight and it will be HARDER to lose it because youlll have a higher percentage of body fat.
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    That's called an eating disorder. Congratulations.

    Wow, what a genuinely horrible thing to say, and an awful thing to joke about.

    OK, is this better?

    "That's called malnutrition."

    Not joking.
  • dnsrmr
    dnsrmr Posts: 99 Member
    There is a saying "Eat to live, don't live to eat." Personally I do not lose weight unless I stay around 1200 or less calories. Although 400 calories is not good for your body and mind, try getting more calories. I'm uncertain your weight and height, but we're all different in the way we eat and lose weight. What doesn't work for some might work for others. I am a low carb eater, and try to keep my calories under 1200 calories and my carbs at 20 or less per day. That is what works for me no matter what anyone says. I'm petite and gain weight fast, but lose weight slow. When I eat 20 carbohydrates and around 1200 calories or less per day, then I lose weight immediately. Do what you feel is best for you but please do NOT stick with a very low calorie food program like the 400 calories you had. Make time to stop and eat. Pack a lunch or some healthy snacks.
    If you continue to eat very low calories, it will catch up to you and will fatigue and deplete your body in and out.
    Gd luck & God bless you~ Dee
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    You know what? This is a hot-button topic that I keep seeing crop up over and over... and it kinda makes me grouchy.

    Here's the deal. You CAN lose weight on a very low calorie diet. But why on earth would you want to? You risk doing damage to your heart, your liver, your kidneys, and other vital organs. Seriously. I'm not making this up.

    To be fair, you probably can't sustain the diet long enough to do permanent damage. Our bodies are pretty freaking amazing and can recover from serious physical stresses. But why would you want to risk it?

    Spend a little time on or talk to a doctor or a registered dietitian. On occasions, a doctor or dietitian might actually encourage very low calorie diets (gastric sleeves, etc.., are forced low calorie diets), but that's usually when the health risks of being obese out-weigh the risks of the diet... and regardless... it's usually under medical supervision.

    But... you'll hear from plenty of people on here cheering the low calorie diet... and if your desire to be thin outweighs your desire to be healthy... then more power too you, I guess.

    And plenty of other people have said what I've said... so... it's one of those things. I hope you'll do the smart thing and eat. But... it's your life. Do what you want with it.

    Fabulous response.

    Also, there is not a chance in hell you can get anywhere near the nutrients you need out of 400 calories a day. I'd rather be overweight than skinny with no muscle (which is what you are losing, not fat) and lacking proper nutrients.
  • jameslucy
    jameslucy Posts: 85 Member
    Why do some people have to be so insulting on this site. I appreciate peoples views but sometimes some people are a bit harsh. It is not my intention to carry on eating like this and I would not say that a very busy week which cause skipping meals equals an eating disorder. I was just asking advice on how to limit the damage.