Hello newbie here


Hello all, I am Tammy from Wilmington,NC. Have lots to lose but my boyfriend only wants me to lose 50lbs. You would think that would be easy right...Well I am living proof it might as well be the entire 200 lbs I need to lose. But with support and following what I eat I know it is possible .


  • cprance
    set yourself goals you can reach and you will do fine
  • AnnMariaRice
    AnnMariaRice Posts: 3 Member
    :wink: Hi there, you can do anything you set you mind too. I know it's not east - at least at first - but once you start following the plan and sticking to it, it becuase easier and easier. especially when you see the weight coming off. the first step is doing it. and one suggestion, always be prepared. I slip when i am not. keep healhly snacks, pack your lunch and if you are working late, pack your dinner. it really helps from keeping you from straying. I've done that the last two weeks and i've noticed a difference.

    Hang in there, you can do it. Maria:laugh:
  • purplebabe2025
    purplebabe2025 Posts: 383 Member
    Hi Tamtam. Good luck in your weight loss journey. We're all in here for the same thing. Feel free to friend me if you wish.