Another Biggest Loser (closed group)



  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    Just finished C25K day 2! And I did it on the treadmill since I didn't get home until after dark (C25K on a treadmill is a NEW exercise for me :)) One down!
  • terihaddad
    terihaddad Posts: 114 Member
    Challenge 1 complete! Started c25K and have tried a new strength exercise (21s)!
    Feeling great after a nice looooong workout!
  • schnugglebug
    schnugglebug Posts: 330 Member
    managed to get to the gym today (2nd day) and get 3 3/4 miles done on the recumbent bike... and some strength training... will see what I can do tomorrow with this ankle acting up

    BE strong everybody and great job :D
  • chicky89
    chicky89 Posts: 260 Member
    am I allowed to switch my challenge? haha I realized this week is not good to try a cleanse (traveling for work earlier this week, and birthday week celebrations starting today...

    So Ive decided to try two new different things.

    Today I tried the treadmill using 12lb weights in each hand.
  • melmccabe
    melmccabe Posts: 21 Member
    Challenge 1 complete. I tried 2 new things twice this week: a zumba class and the stair-treadmill climber. Not sure I will continue with the stair-treadmill climber as it aggravates my knee injury.
  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    May not be able to log-in for a couple of days, headed down to Texas for a wedding. If I don't have internet access then I'll log my weight/etc. on Sunday when I get back into town :)
  • rosaidamiddleton
    rosaidamiddleton Posts: 106 Member
    Have fun!!

    Hello hello!!!

    Challenge 1 has been complete. I tried 2 new things this week: a cardio + strenght training circuit and a new elliptical. Challenge 3 has been good, have been accompanying breakfast with prune yogurt.

    I am more worry about our weigh in tomorrow :s I went to see my new nutricionist/endocrinologist on tuesday and she changed my diet completely: She gave me a diet that is going to last 2 weeks and then we'll see if there is something that need to be done so that I can keep losing weight. She said that because I started to go to the gym and do strength training is going to be difficult for me to lose pounds as I used to because my body needs to get used to this new rutine.

    Hope you all have a wonderful evening :)
  • kassied09
    kassied09 Posts: 397
    Sounds like many of you are doing great on challenges :D MIne is complete as well- loving the yoga. Don't forget that tomorrow is weigh-in day =] Excited for new challenges coming monday as well!!
  • melmccabe
    melmccabe Posts: 21 Member
    I know it is weigh-in day but I am unsure how we will be doing this...I am leaving town for a weekend retreat and will have limited access to the internet, so I am posting my weigh-in info here:

    SW: 371 lbs
    Weight last week 10/14: 309.8 lbs:
    Current Weight: 10/21: 303.8 lbs
    GW: 140 lbs
    Jan 1st GW: 285 lbs

    Weekly loss of: 6 lbs

    Have a great weekend everyone!
  • terihaddad
    terihaddad Posts: 114 Member
    Hi everyone...this week was my lowest loss yet :( Only 0.8 lbs down
  • chicky89
    chicky89 Posts: 260 Member
    Last week: 247
    This week: 244

    Loss of 3lbs! woo!!!
    Also fully completed challenge #1! went to the indoor walking track this week!

    This weekend and beginning of next week is going to be TOUGH!!! birthday celebrations begin tonight and end Tuesday!!! Yikes!
  • Soooze
    Soooze Posts: 122 Member
    Hi girls!
    Well, I've had an ok week. I decided to do challenge #3, which is eating the same breakfast every morning. Although I did eat oatmeal/berries 2-3 times this week, I wasn't able to stick to it all week due to very early meetings at work. I also did some different exercise this week (challenge #1) by doing SuperSets. Supersets will be my weight lifting program for the next 4 weeks at 3x/week.

    I started zigzaging my calories on Sept.28. So far, it's been working for me! I have lost 2.5lbs this week. I'm super happy with that!

    Hope you girls all have a super duper weekend. Stay active and eat healthy!
    Looking forward to next weeks challenge!
  • kristilovescake
    kristilovescake Posts: 669 Member
    This has been an awesome week for me, both mentally and on the scale. I think I'm finally breaking through the mental barrier that has prevented me from losing more than 5 pounds in the past (I'm a self-sabotaging dieter).

    Challenge SW: 147
    Current: 145
    Down 2 pounds since I started this challenge!

    But my big excitement is that I started my Biggest Loser Challenge at my gym on Oct 6th. My goal is to lose 20 pounds by the end of the 60-day challenge and to do that, I need to lose 5 pounds at each weigh in. Last night was our official weigh-in and I made it! 5 pounds on the nose. I need to step it up if I want to lose another 5 pounds by the next weigh-in though!

    Looking forward to seeing what challenge you have for us next week :)
  • rosaidamiddleton
    rosaidamiddleton Posts: 106 Member
    Hello all! For some odd reason it wont matter what I eat, sometimes I am not even getting the 1200 calories, so I am hoping the medicine my nutriologist gave me would help me out to boost my metabolism.

    I am in!!!

    SW: 185lbs
    Challenge Starting Weight: 178lbs
    CW: 176lbs
    UGW: 135-140lbs
    Goal Weight by January 1s: 150lbs
  • kassied09
    kassied09 Posts: 397
    Nice way in ladies. Just remember even if it is not the loss you were looking for - at least it is not a gain!! :D
    My current weight is now 149.5 (the scale says 149.2 but ill round up a bit just because). AHH YAY. Finally in the 40s =] a loss of 3 lbs. Also, lost an inch of my waist. I love MFP for helping me. Mostly this group. You ladies keep me motivated!

    Also, nice job on the challenges everyone! Keep up the great work :D
  • KettyLan
    KettyLan Posts: 440 Member
    Just completed the elliptical challenge! Had a hard time since I really don't like the elliptical.

    Challenge starting weigh 196.4
    CW 196.2
    Not a great lost
  • KettyLan
    KettyLan Posts: 440 Member
    Just completed the elliptical challenge! Had a hard time since I really don't like the elliptical.

    Challenge starting weigh 196.4
    CW 196.2
    Not a great loss
  • rosaidamiddleton
    rosaidamiddleton Posts: 106 Member
    Hi all!!!

    I hope you are having an awesome weekend.

    Can you guys give me any advice this issue?

    Because of some health issues I might get stuck this week because I am changing my diet, as suggested by my new nutricionist, if I don't lose any more weight by next week, we'll check on Nov 01 if something is wrong with what I am or not eating.

    Even though I try to get closer to my calories intake for some odd reason I can't find myself eating more. I get home at 8:30pm most days from the gym and by that time I can't eat that much. (I go to sleep around 10/10:30pm)

    Any suggestions?
  • schnugglebug
    schnugglebug Posts: 330 Member
    SW on the site 258
    now am 254...
    not sure if I have gone down since I started the challenge.. I weigh in at the gym usually on Tuesday... but am out of commission for a while with this ankle...

    my exercise has been attempting to walk with crutches lol, keep my eating on track, and get all my water in...
  • Soooze
    Soooze Posts: 122 Member
    Hi all!!!

    I hope you are having an awesome weekend.

    Can you guys give me any advice this issue?

    Because of some health issues I might get stuck this week because I am changing my diet, as suggested by my new nutricionist, if I don't lose any more weight by next week, we'll check on Nov 01 if something is wrong with what I am or not eating.

    Even though I try to get closer to my calories intake for some odd reason I can't find myself eating more. I get home at 8:30pm most days from the gym and by that time I can't eat that much. (I go to sleep around 10/10:30pm)

    Any suggestions?

    I can't see your diary so have no clue what and how much you are eating. But if you are under calories and aren't hungry, try to stay as close to a net of 1200 minimum... I find eating almonds helps up calories and they are healthy. Plus, you don't have to be hungry to eat almonds, it's more of a munchies kind of food (for me).

    Good luck!