Ok, ladies... I have big legs...

Hehehe...sounds funny, I know. But, for as long as I can remember, I've always had large calves. Even when I gained weight, I had (and still do have) A LOT of muscle in my calves. Not complaining; I'd rather it be muscle than fat, however, I'm also relatively short. I'm 5'2''. I love boots, however, finding any boots that will actually fit my calves is a task that I have deemed impossible. Does anyone else have this issue? If so, have you been able to find any boots that actually fit? I don't have a problem with finding any other shoes or booties that fit, but, if it's supposed to go past my ankle, forget it :ohwell:


  • ngcgurl03
    ngcgurl03 Posts: 207 Member
    yes i have the same problem. i tried on boots last night and it is so hard to zipper them up. i wish they would make some boots that fit both in the foot and the calves. it woud help greatly.
  • Meeeee....I have always had big calves...large ankles...even at a 118 pounds and 5"10 I could never wear anklets..and my ski boots had to be custom made...I feel your pain===just dont have any magic, if you find a way to reduce calf size let me know....
  • Amber82479
    Amber82479 Posts: 629 Member
    I have the exact same problem and haven't found a solution yet. I'd love suggestions!
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I have the same problem and no haven't found any boots yet. I'm on the hunt though for winter boots so I'll let you know if I find any.
  • Tiffanydepiano
    Tiffanydepiano Posts: 169 Member
    Roamans and Lane Bryant have boots for larger legs and some with elastic backs that you can't even tell are there.
  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    Well my calves are big just due to being fat right now. . lol. . and I was having that same problem. .Target has some this year that are stretchy at the top. . meaning they have a buckle and some of them had elastic with the buckle. . I was able to get them on YAY!

    I wish you luck. .this was my experience.:bigsmile:
  • Gah, I know!!! It's so crazy. And I can imagine how expensive custom boots can get :-( @ Jade_Butterfly, I will definitely try to check those out :smile: I appreciate it. Maybe we should all band together and send some shoe companies a letter saying that chicks with big legs like boots too!!! Lmao
  • Tiffany, thank you as well. I didn't see your post before I posted :smile:
  • bjs06
    bjs06 Posts: 316 Member
    Try Torrid.com
    It's a plus size website and they have a lot of footwear. They make a lot of their shoes in wide sizes. maybe if you look through their boots you mind find some that work for you. check it out. :)
  • sounds like you have runners legs to me, embrace it
  • Ugh I have the opposite problem I'm 5'9'' with twig legs. Imagine a tootsie pop, that's my body. I need boots for people with big feet and twiggy long calves.
  • carolinedb
    carolinedb Posts: 236 Member
    Certain brands often make a "wide calf" boot. I believe on Zappos.com you can narrow your search by that and it will tell you the calf opening.
  • Thank you, @bjso6. I will check them out too. Going to the mall later :smile: @MikeDailyIntake, I've always had big calves. Regardless of my weight, I've always had curves, and my legs get the job of carrying me around, lol. I'm glad it's muscle, and don't want to lose it, just want to find some cute boots that fit! Lol
  • goingtobefit2015
    goingtobefit2015 Posts: 408 Member
    Yes even when i was size 3 I had larger calves and trouble with boots, I have a pair of boots now that are just above my ankle, I love them but where them with pants or a long skirt!
  • My mom had that problem too, she's really short - about 4'5" and has small feet... so she had to sew in elastic bands in the back but they were hardly noticeable! She eventually found boots that fit her...from the kids department....lol

    Maybe you can find ones with elastic bands already in them or if you can sew you can put in your own elastic bands! :)
  • I have the problem of having super skinny ankles, and muscular calves. The solution, lace up boots! And in my opinion, even though they are harder to get on, they look damn hot!


  • @ paper_doll_, I would totall not mind lace up boots, because they would be hot!!! Lmao. @ Magic_Girl, that's hilarious!!! But, glad she found some that worked for her :smile: @ carolinedb, I'll have to measure and check that out too. I really appreciate everyone's feedback!!!! Thank you :wink:
  • MsALMill
    MsALMill Posts: 75 Member
    I would have to agree with the ladies that posted Lane Bryant and Torrid. I just love both those stores for more than just the great shoe selection.
  • Same here...I used to be in dance and I swear that it cursed my legs lol. I can not find boots to fit over my calves for the life of me. It sucks...but I put all my weight on in my thighs and calves and hips...ugh...if only spot reduction would work. lol I kow there is a boot company over seas that makes boots for various calve sizes...I will try and find the name. But I think they are quite pricey...