Questions. Eating all your calories and logging exercise

I started this 4 days ago and I like it a lot so far. I know you are supposed to eat your exercise calories, and I do, but I've been making sure there are a few calories left that I don't eat just in case the calories burned are not totally acurate there is a little wiggle room. The first day I had 32 calories left over, 2nd day 103 (but it was less leftover than that because I had a tiny sample size brownie at a grocery store and didn't log it), and yesterday I had 43 calories left. I definitely don't want to be over calories, but I don't want to be too under either. Is leaving just a bit like that ok? What do you guys do?

Also, for exercise if you are doing aerobics for example (What I've been doing), do you count the warm up and cool down in your exercise minutes or no? I'm obese, I have 95 lbs to lose, and I'm really really out of shape. A lot of workouts are too difficult for me right now so I'm starting with Leslie Sansone's walk at home series, the dvd I have is the 5 day slim down where there is one warm up, one cool down, and 5 different "miles" that are 14 minutes each. I've been doing a warm up, one mile, and cool down because it's all I can do right now. I do a different mile each time but just one at a time. I hope to add more to it as I can, but for now that is a start. I've been logging the warm up and the 14 minute mile together as 22 minutes of aerobics general. Does that sound right? Should I log the cool down too and if so, is it also aerobics or something not as calorie burning?

Also, my activity level is set at sedentary because I'm a stay at home mom and don't do much other that clean, cook, mom stuff.
In a week, I'll be working as a cashier about 20-25 hours a week in the evenings, so I'll be on my feet and walking a little more. Would you call that light activity or still sedentary?

Sorry for all the questions! I just want to make sure I am doing this right.
I have lost 3 lbs so far but I think it's because I'm obese and have basically never dieted or exercised much before so my body is reacting to this sudden change, but I figure the weight loss will slow down soon as my body gets used to this. I want to make sure I keep doing it right even when the weight loss slows down.


  • exiledforestfan
    I personally think that the calories they give for exercise are v generous. Your MFP calorie goal will give you a target which is under your normal allowance so you lose weight. Views on exercise calories and eating them varies, personally I don't eat them, banking them in case I go over in the week. With the calorie allowance try not to go too farcbelowcyour daily allowance. In terms of exercise research suggests we overestimate the amount of exercise we do and how many calories we burn off. It may help to not count your exercise to start with until you see how you get on with things. Hope this help and good luck!
  • carolinedb
    carolinedb Posts: 236 Member
    Personally, I eat my exercise calories, but I do agree that MFP overestimates calorie burns. Therefore, I leave myself around a 50-150 calorie "buffer" each day. I also would suggest investing in a heart rate monitor. They tend to be more accurate on calories burned.
  • Hericksen
    Hericksen Posts: 43 Member
    So I should definitely NOT include the cool down as part of my exercise right? Should I count the warm up too?
    So leaving 50-100 extra calories at the end of the day is ok? What about only leaving 30-40 calories like I did twice? Should I make sure to leave more than that? I definitely want to log my exercise.

    Also, will working 20-25 hours a week on my feet be light activity or still sedentary?