Im Stuck!...

I have lost 70 pounds since August. But the problem Im having is I haven't lost a thing since January!

I've heard of people hitting a plateau. But don't you think I would be off the darn thing by now? Im not ganing, but im not loosing either.

Any Suggestions before I hook up the hoover and start my own LYPO?



  • tammylee
    I have lost 70 pounds since August. But the problem Im having is I haven't lost a thing since January!

    I've heard of people hitting a plateau. But don't you think I would be off the darn thing by now? Im not ganing, but im not loosing either.

    Any Suggestions before I hook up the hoover and start my own LYPO?

  • throughHisstrength
    I don't really know what to tell you except that maybe at your new weight you need to increase your calories a little bit to kind of jump start yourself again. Also are you exercising? Maybe you need to change up your workout routine, try something new and see if that helps. Other than that, good luck and trust me the hoover won't work, if it only it were that easy!!:tongue::laugh:
  • prettyinpink
    prettyinpink Posts: 94 Member
    I have heard about going on a boiled chicken and broccoli diet for one day... all meals, small portions, chicken and broccoli just to break the stand-still. You may try it! :o) That is my plan if I come to that problem!
  • AndreaMMil
    :laugh: I want to thank you for making me shoot coffee outta my nose! I'm stuck too. I've been at this weight for 3 weeks. I just tried upping my calories and I certainly feel smaller but I haven't seen it on the scale yet. If you've been religiously at this since you started, maybe you need a break for a few days? This is what I'm getting ready to try. I know it sounds backwards, but I've heard it can jumpstart you.
  • hmrsimpsonzealot
    Wanderlust is right. When your body hits a stand still, it is usually because it is used to what you are doing. So your metabolism doesn't work as hard. The best thinf to do is actually up your calorie intake for a week or so, then get back into your normal habits. It will help kick start your weight loss again!
  • ToTheLove
    Yup! I've heard that too...

    Just thought I'd put in my 2 cents.. =)
  • annhjk
    annhjk Posts: 794 Member
    I just had the same question last night. I went into my goals and changed it lose only .5 a week or maintain if that doesn't work. I'll do it for a while, then go back down.
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,696 Member
    Yes, up your calories by a 100 or 200 a day and increase your work outs by 20%. I was on a plateau for a month and I upped my calories to my BMR and increased my work outs by fifteen minutes. Two weeks later I lost three pounds, and a week later lost another three. It does take 10 days to 2 weeks to see a change so don't get discouraged! Change things up a bit and it will start to come off!
  • Eve23
    Eve23 Posts: 2,352 Member
    I have only lost 40 since August. But since November I have only lost about 6 lbs. :grumble:

    I am working very hard at getting things going again but I am afraid it has been very difficult. I keep telling myself that it is my body adjusting. Because I have lost alot more in inches. So keep doing what you are doing. Double check your calories. You may need to readjust for awhile. But keep doing what you are doing and don't give up.
  • tammylee
    tammylee Posts: 28
    I want to thank each and everyone of you for your support and helpful tips. I am working out, and I did up that today, and as well I increased my calorie intake. I feel bad for the calorie increase, but if it can get me over my hump then I will deal with it.

    I was stupid, and didn't do body measurements before I started my diet. So I have no idea what I have lost. I do know that many of my pants and shirts are very loose. My 17 year old son has been doing this with me, and he has lost 75 pounds and down 4 pant sizes. Guess I have nothing to be ashamed of. Im 47 and I kept up with a teenager as far as weight loss up to hitting this plateau.

    My goal is another 20 pounds by May when I have to attend my inlaws 50th anniversary.

  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    For a good estimate of your starting measurements, just take a pair of pants that were snug and measure the inside of the waistband. At least it gives you something to go on.:flowerforyou: