Just a late night vent...

One thing that bothers me is the fact I've lost nearly 150 pounds in a year and I'm STILL considered obese by the BMI chart. Now, I don't really go by those TOO much because they don't take anything personally important into consideration, however I don't feel that I look obese anymore. I'm healthier than ever, and it's just crazy. I know I'm still overweight and have a ways to go, but jeez lol. Seeing myself still in that category brings me down! Anyone else feel this way?


  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    maybe focus on body fat % and how your clothes fit! bmi is just a stupid chart for ppl with no muscle
  • EmmaRankmore
    Yep I do - its really hard work to get out of the obese section of the BMI. I have 3.2 bits to go til I'm finally in the overweight range, then a heap to go til the healthy range. I just check in periodically cause I never know how much my weight affects that, but yep - its frustrating. Try to focus on the fact that you've done such a wonderful job so far! Good work! :)
  • AI1108
    AI1108 Posts: 488 Member
    im pretty sure arnold schwarzenegger is considered obese. don't go by numbers and labels because we all have different bodies. just gotta be healthy and feel good.. thats all that matters :)

    btw - your progress is awesome!!
  • Ezwoldo
    Ezwoldo Posts: 369 Member
    I think the BMI is a load of bollox TBH I mean 99% of rugby players are obese so I would take it with a pinch of salt, I am overweight with it and have never been as fit in my life so make of it what you will.
  • AnitaMcKenna
    AnitaMcKenna Posts: 77 Member
    You look amazing! Can't believe your BMI says you're still obese, you absolutely don't look it!

    Trust your eyes and your clothes, they are what matters - if you look good, you feel good!

    Good luck for the last little bit of your journey xx
  • fragilegift
    fragilegift Posts: 347 Member
    last I checked, and that was a while ago, I was classed as morbidly obese. I always thought that was for the 700pound people who were bed bound and that certainly isn't me!

    I say ignore the BMI charts! :D
  • The_Wallflower
    The_Wallflower Posts: 111 Member
    Thanks everyone! As I said, I try not to let it bother mean hell, that thing has never been updated! lol