Everyone's welcome to play! Postcard Challenge 30!

Hey everybody! :drinker:

Welcome to postcard challenge #30. Here is how this works:

Enter your starting weight by Monday October 24th. Then we will all work really hard to eat right and exercise.

runmuscu.gif THEN... 2 weeks later, on Monday November 7th, everyone checks back in with their new and improved weight. :bigsmile: The person who has the biggest percent of weight loss gets a postcard from YOURS TRULY!!! [img]http://i272.photobucket.com/albums/jj184/befje/smileys 3/th_bf-mailsmiley.gif[/img]

How fun is that! You know you want me to send you a post card. do it...do it...

See you all on Monday! :wink:
