Lossing weight while in a wheel chair

Marne53 Posts: 180 Member
Hi, My name is Marne. I have been in a wheel chair for 8 weeks. I broke my ankle the end of Aug. and just found out I will be having surgery and in the chair for at least 12 more weeks maybe longer. Before the fall I had lost a lot of weight with myfitnesspal.com. I could really use some help and a lot of support. I welcome any ideas. Marne


  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member
    Congratulations on your Loss so Far!! Staying "Plugged In" to MFP will help you stay Focused and Motivated while you are recovering.
    There are a lot of Chair Exercise that you can find On-Line. I would just Google "Chair Exercises" and choose some that you enjoy.

    :flowerforyou: Good Luck!!
  • JulieSD
    JulieSD Posts: 567
    That totally stinks!

    I broke my leg on Jan 3rd of this year and was in a cast for 12 weeks. My question is not to be rude what so ever because I totally know the pain, but why the wheel chair? But nice! lol I would have looooved one :)

    I suggest googling paraplegic exercises, such as http://www.livestrong.com/paraplegic-exercises/

    Good luck!
  • DakotaKeogh
    DakotaKeogh Posts: 693 Member
    Congratulations on your Loss so Far!! Staying "Plugged In" to MFP will help you stay Focused and Motivated while you are recovering.
    There are a lot of Chair Exercise that you can find On-Line. I would just Google "Chair Exercises" and choose some that you enjoy.

    :flowerforyou: Good Luck!!

    Agree. And now's the time, more than ever, to be uber clean and controlled with your food. Treats can come when you're up and around and exercising again. Feel free to add me for support and motivation. Best of luck in your recovery. I did some wheelchair time myself, years ago. I feel your pain.
  • Marne53
    Marne53 Posts: 180 Member
    The wheel chair is to make sure no pressure at all on the ankle. I broke the fibula in 2 place and one is all the why through. This week the MRI showed a torn ligament. They will go in and repair all the first week in Nov.
    I'm sorry you had to go through such a thing. Is it all better now? Marne
  • Marne53
    Marne53 Posts: 180 Member
    Thanks for all the great places to look on line.
    How do I add someone to my support and motvation group?
  • JulieSD
    JulieSD Posts: 567
    I also broke my fibula all the way through, but in a V...not straight across. I ruptured ligaments and tendons...and my initial care was crappy to say the least and when I finally saw my orthopedic surgeon he was angry. I should have seen him much sooner but the 3.5 week wait to see him meant my original 8 week cast time bumped up to 12 weeks and it should have been 2-4 more on top of that. My third set of x-rays at week 12 indicated one side of the V was healed and one side was not fully (at about 90%). He asked if I wanted to keep the cast on and I said no. The reason I said no is because that would mean 2-4 more weeks of muscle loss.

    After the cast came off I cried all the time...I only stopped in July. It was horrible. No one ever tells you how badly it hurts when you start to use your leg fully again. I had my medication from the initial break that I rarely used, I took them all after the cast came off.

    I finally decided that I had had enough, I knew my leg was fine at the end of July so I began to exercise fully and to be 100% truthful, I give all my painless days credit to exercise! (But that is just me, only do what you feel you can do!)

    It pops and snap all the time, but I'm fully confident now. Its sore right now, but that usually only happens once a week or so and doesn't require aleve, just rest.
  • JulieSD
    JulieSD Posts: 567
    Thanks for all the great places to look on line.
    How do I add someone to my support and motvation group?

    Click on the person you want to ad, in their profile you'll find a 'add friend' button, write a little note why you should be friends and send.
  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    Wow! Great job losing, even with the wheelchair! That's quite an accomplishment :D
  • sonjavon
    sonjavon Posts: 1,019 Member
    So sorry that you're going through that! Go into your goals and set your exercise goals to "none" - MFP will tell you how much food you need to eat to continue losing. If you have a Wii - you can play many of the activities on there with your arms. There are also some pretty good exercise DVD's for people in wheelchairs. Check them out on Amazon. Shadow boxing is also a really great way to get your heartbeat going. Depending on how strong your arms are and your confidence in your ability to get home... go for a ride around the neighborhood... propelling yourself with your arms will burn calories.

    Good luck and keep up the good work!