Hello, Im a new girl!

Hi the message boards said to introduce myself so here it is...

My names Jo, im 24, from Liverpool and for the last 7 years have suffered from server Agoraphobia. Although I tried to eat healthly and keep moving, it is difficult to keep it up inside of four walls, especially during my down, comfort eating times. A 5 stone weight gain in 7 years did not help me want to face my self esteem issues and leave the house at all.

Over the last few months Ive managed to get a trainner who's helped me more than any councillor of doctor has in years. Getting me moving with different exercises every week, helps keep me interested. And understanding food and how I personally react to different types, for example I have intolerances to gluten, wheat and dairy, and have connected that to hightened anxiety when I eat to much.

For the last month I have been on a low carb diet, something I have always been reluctant to try due to me not eating meat. But so far the results are great - no bloating, clearer skin, more energy and best of all a full stone in weight loss! Although I am getting a bit sick of eggs and cauliflower :bigsmile:

From this website Im hoping to chat with like minded people, learn new interesting recipes (i just read a great dough-free pizza one on here, and being a huge pizza addict I can not wait to try it :happy: ) So if anyone wants to swap new ideas for both exercise and diet, past experiences or just a general chat, please dont be afraid to add me xXx


  • cierra0811
    Hi Jo! I am new to this as well just as of today in fact. I'm 20 and live in Southern Maryland. I have yet to find a diet/fitness plan that worked for me so I joined here in hoping I can find one that can stick!
    Hi Cierra, thanx for answering my post :happy:

    I think the best reply I can give you right now is to get someone to help you, whether it be a professional, a fitness fanatic friend or just someone who is in the same place as you trying to loss weight. I have every finest dvd going (well alot anyway) I tried to eat healthy and smaller portions but was still gaining weight. My great- Aunties niece owns a fitness business and has really helped keep me interested the last few months and slowly, as i improve, I am starting to enjoy the training. By far the best thing for me so far is reducing my Carbs that has helped me actually see a difference in myself, which I consider one of the main reasons for me doing this.
    I think the best way to start is take a look at your diet and any exercises you like focus on them, ie if you like swimming trying going once or twice a week, make it fun and enjoy it so it wont feel like a big hardship that exercise sometimes can x
  • cierra0811
    Thats what I'm thinking I might have to do. I've been contemplating seeing a nutritionist but between work and school I can never seem to make the time. Or so I seem to tell myself, I am a major procrastinator! Which is why I also can't seem to fit good exercise into my daily routine. I'm very much hoping that this website can give me the motivation that I need!. I'm glad you have such close connections that are helping you with this. I have a couple friends who are tying to lose weight as well but it is still so difficult. So far for my first day of keeping track of everything I'm eating, I've gone over almost everything. I'm hoping the more I do this the more I will get used to watching more closely.
    Im a fellow procrastinator too, so we have something in common there :D

    You sound a bit frustrated with it all, which I can totally relate to. I think a nutritionist is a great idea, even if you only go once she/he might be able to tell you what food is best for you, if you have any allegies and also they might be able to give you tips on what you should be eating daily.

    One of my worst habbits is snacking so I now have healthy stashes all over - celery and carrot sticks in the fridge, nuts in the cupboard and mints in my room, its deffinately not the same as a tasty bar of chocolate but it helps x