
Does anyone else have headaches when dieting and exercising? :frown: Mine only starts when I am being serious about it and sticking to it. I dont know if it is the reduced calories or the exercise. I think it is the latter. Just curious!


  • SueGremlin
    SueGremlin Posts: 1,066 Member
    No. Interesting that you do. I have very frequent headaches, always have. Foods are common headache triggers for me. Keep a food diary to determine if any of the "new" foods you're eating are triggering headaches.
    For me, bananas are probably my worst trigger.

    Or, maybe you're not getting enough sugar?
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    If you've made significant changes to your diet (cutting out caffeine, sugar, etc.) it's likely that your body is going through withdrawals. If you experience headaches or dizziness/lightheadedness during exercise you may not be eating enough before your workout.
  • lrd2010
    lrd2010 Posts: 161 Member
    Are you drinking enough water? Dehydration is a major factor in headaches!
  • jazzerchickadee
    I have headaches when I change my diet from bad to good. It's kind of like detoxing. Exercise is NOT the reason for headaches. Stick with your plan keep exercising & you'll be glad you did!
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    That is interesting that you said that. I found the exact opposite since starting my journey. I used to get headaches all the time. Once I began eating better, drinking more water and exercising I noticed I rarely get headaches.

    I hope you find your answer. Best of luck to you.
  • JessicaEPope
    JessicaEPope Posts: 88 Member
    I totally had this when i first started exercising a few months ago, think my problem was that i was pushing myself too hard at the time... from being completely sedentery I started going to the gym for an hour and a half every day, hardly eating thinking it would help me lose weight quicker. I actually felt awful, would go home and fall asleep and have awful headaches, I think I wasn't drinking anywhere near enough water, eating the right foods and just pushing myself too hard for the lack of energy i was eating.

    I think drinking a ton more water would probably do you well, as well as watching what you eat. I agree with the foods triggering headaches note, I get awful headaches after chocolate and few other foods, and have had regular headaches since entering my teens.

    Hope you feel better soon, keep at it and treat your body right and you should feel better, if nto, you should prob just bring it up with your doctor. :) Take care!
  • Pdschurig
    Pdschurig Posts: 56 Member
    I used to have daily headaches and multiple migraines every week. About 15 months ago I started doing yoga most every day, this greatly reduced my headaches and migraines (much more than any Rx meds I was given). Most of my headaches now occure around TOM. Do you have a way to check your blood pressure? Do you know if it is normal? It is natural for blood pressure to increase with exercise and come down afterward. If you are on medication it may not be giving you the best control and may need to be changed or optimized. Other things that can cause headaches are diet changes (caffine intake, foods with nitrates, and hydration level). Hope this helps alittle.
  • atomicpunk1974
    I get headaches when I exercise in the morning and then don't eat enough of my calories for the day right afterward. Sometimes I try to save too many of my calories for the day for a big dinner. Then when my blood sugar drops I get migraine-ish headaches. I don't know if this is the same thing you're experiencing, but for me it helps to eat a somewhat larger meal right after exercising.
  • Sherbog
    Sherbog Posts: 1,072 Member
    Try drinking more water. Perfume, dryer sheets, and smells activate my headaches.