Starting over....again

I totally fell off the bandwagon this past spring/summer and can't believe I am where I am. (gained back about 15lbs) I Feel like I'm starting all over again. Despite the fact I'm still down about 25lbs from last august. I am now back over the 200lb mark which I swore I would never be again. Got back to the gym today and going to try to track calories again since MFP was THE BEST for weight lost results. I just find myself craving crappy food and feeling deprived! I was supposed to be under 160 lbs by my last birthday that passed in September, and I never made it, not even close. Had I stuck to my routine, the way I was going, it would have been doable. I guess it's time to suck it up and face the music. I know this is going to be a struggle for the rest of my life, I just hope I can come up on top most of the time anyways. This is one of those times I feel really annoyed by people like my aunt who can eat a whole bag of chips with dip for lunch and still be a stick!! GAH!!!! I really hope some of my old MFP friends are still around and active on this site. Always looking to make new MFP friends for support and motivation.


  • EQHanks
    EQHanks Posts: 170 Member
    you can do this!
  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    Welcome back! It can be hard to completely change your lifestyle, but once you get used to it you won't even remember what you used to do. It's all about what's best for you and your body! Feel free to add me and message me with any questions you may have, or even if you just need some motivation :D
    Best of luck... you CAN do this!
  • Fatbuster205
    Fatbuster205 Posts: 333 Member
    Welcome back and well done for doing so. It can be really hard starting over but you have taken the first step which is really good. Look forward and not back - what is done is done. Focus on today, every day and you will get there. Add me as a friend if you like.
  • loriwarner
    loriwarner Posts: 18 Member
    Hello, I too, am starting over! I lost 40 lbs two years ago! I can't believe I've gained it back and feel so out of control! I'm sick about it.:explode: I think I weigh more than I ever have. I'm too scared to actually step on a scale, but judging by some of my "fat clothes," that are now tight, it's gotta be bad. Going through divorce, custody battle, career struggles and living in cramped quarters. I have been working until 7pm twice a week, and most Saturdays. I drive to get/drop off my kids for 3 hours on Fridays and Sundays...I'm struggling to find time to work out. I don't seem to aknowledge the portion sizes or choices when I'm not working out. Weight Watchers worked great for me in the past, but the only two meetings in this town are on the nights I have to work!!

    Very nervous about jumping into this. I'm actually scared to give up my treats and decadent foods! :sad:
  • thanks all. Feeling like crap today, but I'm off to the YMCA for an aquafit class. @Lori MFP is awesome as long as you stick to it. I went out and got some fat free pudding and some 70-100 cal sweet treats - I have a sweet tooth, big time.
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    I fall of the wagon at least 2-3 times a year. Right now I'm struggling to get back in the swing of things after a three week gym break (I've been okay with the nutrition half). If I can do it, you can do it!:-D

  • ndrn1959
    ndrn1959 Posts: 8 Member
    I fell off the wagon too for the last month and gained 8 lbs. I have several events I am motivated for so here I am again.