Multi vitamin

Anyone have thoughts of taking a daily multi vitamin? Good or bad? Does it help any in weight loss or just in general health?


  • MartiJJohnston
    Since I started taking vitamins, I have noticed a big change in how I feel. Less sluggish, more alert, etc. Of course this is coupled with eating as clean as I can. I recommed taking a whole food/raw food multi-vitamin instead of a synthetic. I take Alive Women's and get it at Whole Foods.

    Good luck!
  • Court222010
    I'm pretty curious about this too! I was told in high school by my gym teacher that taking a daily vitamin is the absolute best thing you can do for your body. She actually said, "if you care at all about your body, the best thing you can do is take a multi-vitamin. If you're going to do one thing and you decide to eat like crap and never exercise, at least take a vitamin and you'll be doing yourself some good!" She said getting one multivitamin is the best for you, and to avoid the multi-pill packs.

    I recently bought a "women's active metabolism" multivitamin but I haven't been taking them religiously enough to tell if they're helping. I keep telling myself that I will get into the routine, so hopefully I can stop putting it off lol.
  • corinneselene
    corinneselene Posts: 306 Member
    I always get super pumped about taking vitamins and then would feel nausea every time I had one. I hate to say it but I just started taking the GUMMY adult vitamins and let me tell you- I never forget to take them!
  • seaponie
    seaponie Posts: 26 Member
    general health DOES aid in weight loss! ;) never hurts to take one. It could be all in my head but I feel like it gives me more energy. I take One A Day Women's to keep my boobies healthy. There's also One A Day Women's Active Metabolism, but it doesn't look that much different from the regular women's vitamin to be honest
  • bonogul
    bonogul Posts: 96 Member
    ok this is a weird answer but here it goes : i think if you feel like you are not getting enough of certain vitamins, or if you have some symptoms of low vitamin intake, than its good to take them. but according to recent research taking multivitamins everyday might be harmful in a long term, here is my source for this below:
    i take it when i start feeling ill, low energy or under a lot of stress or when i am not eating well.
  • cirellim
    cirellim Posts: 269
    Absolutely excellent the only supplements I recommend that I don't believe to be total scams from supplement companies are; multivitamins, fish oil, and protein powders. Anything outside of those 3 are questionable at best. Multivitamins so long as you're using a good one will give you tons of micronutrients you may not be taking in otherwise.
  • ChristyP0303
    ChristyP0303 Posts: 212 Member
    I can tell when I don't take mine. I have a lot less energy.
  • LilMissFoodie
    LilMissFoodie Posts: 612 Member
    I don't think they make any difference to your weight (unless severe lack of nutrients in your diet is leading you to malabsorb stuff but I hope this wouldn't be the case!). It can be beneficial if you feel that you are restricting your dietary intake to the point where you would not be getting adequate nutrition or if you are a such a fussy eater that you are therefore not likely to be meeting your requirements or if you are pregnant, talking about folate here (because it's better to be safe than sorry!). In general, I think for the average person they are a waste of money but there isn't really any harm in taking one (although there may be harm in taking the wrong cocktail of different ones together).
  • glenr79
    glenr79 Posts: 283 Member
    I think taking multi-vitamins make a huge difference in how you feel and weight loss. I have been taking them for the past 17 years, never missed a day. The reason I think vitamins are good for weight loss is because when your body is lacking nutrients and vitamins your metabolism has to slow down to find those vitamins and nutrients. So what you don't get in your diet you can get them in multi-vitamins... but don't get one a day or centrium, there is basically nothing in those vitamins. Waste of money. THere are a lot of good ones out there, Animal Pak, Mega ultra women (Energy and MEtabolism) from GNC, and Vitamin worls has some....
    Anyone have thoughts of taking a daily multi vitamin? Good or bad? Does it help any in weight loss or just in general health?
  • abbullar
    I am a really strange eater and I feel like I'm not getting all the nutrients I need. I don't eat many veggies, though I do eat fruit. I eat a lot of meat and starches. I'm working on it, but I'm in a really stressful point in school and anything to boost me up is a great help!
  • jimswife1
    jimswife1 Posts: 42 Member
    I take a prenatal vitamin daily. Not pregnant but anemic and it has some extra iron in it. I think when you are exercising and eating right, you are probably depleting your body of some much needed electrolyes and vitamins, I think as long as you are staying close to the daily allowance, you should be fine. It is always best to have that cholesterol checked and basic metabolic profile, that will tell you your numbers and where you may be deficient. Yearly physicals are a great thing, especially if you have a family history of any type of heart disease or diabetes.
  • EllianaEva
    ok - so yes I would recommend everyone to take a multi-vitamin. BUT make sure its one worth taking. Some vitamins do not break down in you and just go right out of you. Check by putting one of your vitamins in a glass of water and see how long it takes to break down. {(this next part might be a TMI alert) My brother worked for a sewer type business and when they would clean out sewers ect... they would always see vitamins floating around.} yuck!! but the point is, the people were wasting there money, so make sure its a vitamin worth taking.
    hope this input helps :)
  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    I am a really strange eater and I feel like I'm not getting all the nutrients I need. I don't eat many veggies, though I do eat fruit. I eat a lot of meat and starches. I'm working on it, but I'm in a really stressful point in school and anything to boost me up is a great help!
    I'm not saying don't take a multi-vit supplement if you feel you aren't getting a balance with your diet, but I think there might be better ways to tackle the stress.

    I took multivits & supplements for years and I can't honestly say they gave me more energy or made me feel better. In fact, when I stopped taking them, more to the point, I didn't feel any worse. I just noticed how much I'd saved not buying them (and that was one of the reasons why I stopped).

    But if you really want to tackle your stress levels, have you thought about trying a yoga class perhaps? Or even a nice warm, relaxing bath with a few scented candles and some relaxing music? :flowerforyou:
  • Calif_Girl67
    Calif_Girl67 Posts: 526 Member
    I take Centrum Performance Multivitamin which hasa ton of vitamins in it and it gives you energy and suppose to boost Metabolism, not sure if it does but i take it everyday along with some other. I noticed that if i take vitamins on an empty stomach i get a really upset stomach.
  • ONE03
    ONE03 Posts: 125 Member
    I just started taking mine a couple of days ago. When I started working out, I was hungry ALL. DAY. LONG. The multivit helps me with my cravings. The con is that my particularly one (GNC ultra mega active) happens to be too potent for me. I started getting really lethargic and had dry eyes. There has to be at least 1 or more vitamin that I'm overdosing on, because I had to taper the dosage down to 1 pill instead of the recommended 2, and boy, do I feel the difference. I'm going to try the one without the caffeine (GNC ultra mega), when I'm done with this bottle.

    I'd really recommend trying a small bottle of a particular multivit first and see how it works for your body. There were a lot of great reviews for mine, but I didn't experience the same results.