Starting again

Here goes, back on the wagon, i didn't have much luck for the first couple of weeks on here then i gave up. Back on today to try again.....Is exercise the key? I can stick to my calories for the most part but never lost anything.


  • PrincessEliNa
    PrincessEliNa Posts: 524 Member
    Yes, make sure you exercise enough, are getting enough to eat, and try and drink those 8 cups of water every day. I think that is something that really helps. Good luck! Today is my 25th day logging in and I've lost 6 pounds! Don't give up! It works ;)
  • ashnm88
    ashnm88 Posts: 748
    Got to exercise!
  • azrak
    azrak Posts: 17 Member
    i dont think an exercise regime is that important, but it is important that you are active more. Walking is a great exercise though and it doesnt require special equipment. Just meeting your calorie intake for the day and not doing anything to work it off wont get you far for long.
  • cirellim
    cirellim Posts: 269
    Seems pretty simple to me if you can honestly say you were sticking to your daily caloric goals and weren't losing, then those limits were set far too high. Try reducing them 100-150 and I can nearly guarantee in 3 weeks you'll have results.
  • natanyxx
    Everybody is different and you have to find what works for you. Though, I agree that drinking your aloted amount of water is important and starting to exercise a little more than you are use to can't hurt either. If you don"t see results right away don't give up; it will happen. I don't know how much you have to lose but healthy weight loss is usually a slow journey and you have to be ready to put the time and work into it. Best wishes on your journey!
  • rosebery94
    rosebery94 Posts: 6 Member
    I have been calorie counting and exercising 3 times a week with a personal trainer since the end of July this year and have lost just over 1 stone and have dropped 1 dress size. It is tough but for me having the routine of going to the gym and having someone pushing me is fantastic! I am starting to feel so much more confident, I sleep better and the buzz that you get after a work out is like nothing else! :happy:
  • AureliaCotta
    AureliaCotta Posts: 99 Member
    I think exercise can definitely help but based on my own past weight loss experiences, exercise won't counteract a bad diet. I 'm learning it's a combination of both tightening the diet and getting more activity in.
  • elenas_childcare
    hi im starting 2moro, ive used this website before but didnt really get very far last time, this time ive gained even more weight and im even more determind!!!!! i just need people 2 kick me up the bum and cheer me on haha xx
  • blackbetty66
    Thanks ya'll I shall attempt to kick my own butt then!
  • candylw
    candylw Posts: 37
    yes working out is a big key but also logging your food...u must do both
  • dlyeates
    dlyeates Posts: 875 Member
    Exercise is great because you get more to eat!!! But I was able to start losing weight without it by watching my calories. I would be curious about your diet. Try lowering calories, eating more "whole" foods, etc. Feel free to friend me!!!
  • blackbetty66
    Thanks, 1200 calories a day, diary open if you want to check it out. I eat whole foods, not much of a processed food fan....