all or nothing

Hey everyone!

I have been on and off mfp for the last few months! I find it really useful, especially in tracking what I eat! My problem is, with me, it's all or nothing! I have phases where I'm incredibly focussed and disciplined with my diet and excersise but I tend to get to a point where I complete drop everything, and fall into bad habits! Most recently was my build up to my holiday, where I worked really hard but didn't quite reach my goal. While away I drank lots of yummy cocktails and ate lovely meals and when I got back, I shyed away from mfp, feeling really disappointed in myself. I'm getting so frustrated with myself because I know I can do it.

I am wondering if anyone else has the same problem and if there are any people out there who have beat this 'nothing' attitude and stayed focussed to lose weight!? If so, I would love some advice and any tips you have on keeping motivated and reaching your goals...

This time I want to do it right.

Thanks :flowerforyou:


  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member

    This time I want to do it right.

    Thanks :flowerforyou:

    In my opinion, one cause for failure can be setting a deficit that is too aggressive, or choosing a diet that is to restrictive. Maybe restrictions HELP some people so I'm not going to make a blanket statement of that, but just to see--- were you doing an aggressive plan where you were trying to make it by on really low calorie intakes?

    I'm just throwing that out there.
  • slogan
    slogan Posts: 14 Member
    I wouldn't say my diet has ever been too restrictive. I always try and be 'sensible' in having as balanced a diet as possible and allowing myself the occassional treat...
  • rachyz88
    rachyz88 Posts: 32 Member
    I totally agree! I find that bein realistic with urself... and It maybe taking u longer to lose weight works so much better! I used to restrict myself from sooo much before but now I think, hey a little is better than alot. Eventually u make better choices for urself too :)
  • kenzysmom
    I am the exact.same.way!!! I'm still trying to find the right balance. So many people are recommending diets to me that are so restrictive that I know I'll never live the rest of my life eating like that (no dairy, no sugar ... blah blah) so to start with I only eat a healthy/balanced diet of foods that I know I can spend the rest of my life eating. I am trying this time to NOT beat myself up over poor food decisions or having a "off" day. Most importantly, at least so far, is that when I do have a day when I just don't make good decisions I just remember that it's one day, and I'm right back on track the next day. Yesterday I had to bring my boys to their football games so we were out the door at 7 am. After my first son's game I made a great choice and ate an egg white sandwich and had a small tea, after that though, my day went downhill fast. I realized I had to take my oldest daughter to the ER because she has been sick and was getting worse (it's viral) and I didn't know how long I'd be there or what was going to happen so I ATE ... and I ate VERY BADLY!!! Today I woke up, had a delicious, healthy protein shake on my way to the gym, took Zumba, went grocery shopping and came home and prepared myself a delicious, healthy lunch. Just because I made a bad choice yesterday doesn't make I'm giving up on being the healthy me I want to be!!!

    Good luck to you! I know we can both do it! :)
  • slogan
    slogan Posts: 14 Member
    Just because I made a bad choice yesterday doesn't make I'm giving up on being the healthy me I want to be!!!

    Thanks so much! It's so reassuring to hear that I'm not the only one that loses it once in a while. I guess I give up too quickly sometimes instead of, like you say, picking straight back up after a bad day! Sounds like you had a really tough time of it, so well done for getting back on the band wagon! :flowerforyou:

    I guess everyones going to slip every now and again...we're only human aren't we! :happy:
  • kenzysmom
    I love this quote ... and really need to remind myself of it often ...

    Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail.
    --Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • psmd
    psmd Posts: 764 Member
    One thing that has been found in the thinking of people with obesity is this "all or nothing" or "black or white" way of thinking. Either I'm going to go all out, eating right and exercising, or I'm going completely the opposite, eating everything in sight and not doing any exercise.

    In order to keep this up, try thinking of it rather than going back to "all" but maybe that it's okay to be somewhere in between, which is more reasonable and sustainable. Or as several people are commenting, not too restrictive. But it's important to do this consciously and not think if you eat one bad thing, you've failed. Because there can always be an inbetween. Good luck!