Why is this such a battle?

I have been a member of MFP now for about 6 months. I have lost weight, gained weight, lost weight, gained weight all to be back to the same place I was when I started.

The good news is 1 1/2 years ago, I was 50 lbs heavier than I am now and I have managed to stay on top of things to ensure I don't gain all those pounds back but why can't I progress??

There is a constant battle going on inside me where I want to be healthy, I want to be comfortable in my clothes and I want to feel like I look good. The other part of me says why can't I be happy just the way I am? I really enjoy food. I love going out for nice dinners, I love curling up on the couch with some munchies and a good movie and I LOVE wine and chocolate. When I am trying to be healthy, I feel like I a depriving myself of enjoying these things and that is why I give up over and over again. Then I hit that 175 pound mark and I freak out terrified that I am going to get heavier and heavier and I start the health program again. I lose up to about 10 pounds then I start feeling deprived and give up. I have gone through this cycle over and over again in the last 6 months.

How do I break the cycle?

Thanks for listening,


  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Have you ever tried incorporating the food and drinks you love into your plan?

    I've never given up the foods I love. I'm having garlic bread pizza right now. When I was still trying to lose weight, I just make sure it fit in my calories. Since it wasn't off limits, I didn't feel like I was cheating, slipping up, giving in or failing by eating those things.

    I just made a really long post about that here: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/375144-and-most-of-all-i-did-it-my-way-svs-nsvs
  • adrianneboyd
    adrianneboyd Posts: 88 Member
    Just don't give up! It's worth it and YOU are worth it! Remember that your body is used to getting what it wants (cravings). You can still have everything you want, just in smaller portions....stick with it!

    When you get to your goal you'll have way more confidence, you'll be happy and you WON'T feel deprived! You can still go out and have nice dinners, just follow it up with a workout.
  • Puffins1958
    Puffins1958 Posts: 614 Member
    It's all how YOU think. When I feel good, I want to eat more healthy. I struggle with self esteem issues, I have my whole life. I'm trying as I've gotten older, to have a better attitude about myself and things. I hope that you can over come the things that have obviously struggled with. I sometimes feel it is a battle within myself. I wish you all the best.....
  • EmiliaWhite
    I can definitely understand your frustration!

    Question for you: when you are trying to lose weight, are you being super-strict with yourself and cutting out all the foods you like? I know that I failed miserably at losing weight when I took that approach in the past. Right now I'm focusing on working out a lot (which means sacrificing sleep and getting up 2 hours earlier than I used to so I can work out before going to my 8-5 job) and using portion control. This way, I earn more calories to eat (so I don't feel like I'm starving myself to lose weight) and I get to eat the foods I actually LIKE, just in smaller amounts. I still eat a couple oreos now and then, just not half the package in one sitting ;)

    I hope this helps some!
  • KazziaLlewellynn
    KazziaLlewellynn Posts: 127 Member
    It is a lifestyle. You obviously know that and have made a victory! Great job! Wish I could help more, but I have learned moderation helps me. I'm eating ben and Jerry's.
  • leomom72
    leomom72 Posts: 1,797 Member
    i felt the same way..i wanted in the worst way to be content with being fat..eating whatever, whenever..but now, i can actually keep up with my kids, and i look better ! keep reminding yourself why you are here, and you DONT have to give up all the foods you love..work them into your diary..and if you want to eat chocolate and drink wine all day, go for it..dont over-do it tho..keep faith, and dont give up..you CAN do this..take care..add me if you like
  • hazelnut861
    hazelnut861 Posts: 390 Member
  • oneoddsock
    oneoddsock Posts: 321 Member
    Don't let yourself give up. Also, you need to find a way to fit in those little things that you love - you don't get to goal and keep the weight off for good by living on rabbit food. I drink wine and eat chocolate and still lose weight! Have you heard the phrase "everything in moderation"? It's so true in this instance.

    I find it really useful to keep motivating myself every day - I weigh myself daily and take inspiration from this website, from clothes I imagine I could wear when I'm at goal, etc. If I don't do that, I find myself easily distracted.

    A lot of the problems people have with losing weight seem to be psychological. If you can identify your own issues, it makes it a bit easier, I think.
  • sweetyJ
    sweetyJ Posts: 25
    Don't be so hard on yourself. Sometimes I am so tired of dieting, I just want to give up also. Maybe be less restrictive on yourself. Sometimes you need a break from all the pressure. I know I shouldn't, but I usually have 1 cheat day a week. It seems to work for me, sometimes after eating all the good food, I feel some sort of "healthy guilt." and it motivates me to work harder for the next couple of days.
  • norma67
    norma67 Posts: 255 Member
    Don't give up.
    My favorite thing is to take one night a week, get into a hot bath, glass of wine and a piece of chocolate plus good book.
    I just make sure to put it into my plan for the day this way I am cheating but not cheating

    you don't have to fight with yourself over this. You can do it. Just find the foods that you enjoy and put them into a program that fits for you.

    Most diets don't work for me because I am such a picky eater, but using foods I enjoy helps a great deal
  • andreabball
    andreabball Posts: 90 Member
    Try to give yourself a break! I eat salad for lunch on days that I want ice cream at night, or run farther when I'm craving a cheeseburger. Moderation is key. When you restrict yourself too much you fall off the bandwagon and go totally in the other direction. You can do it. Keep it up and be nice to yourself!!
  • shanab76
    I am learning to do what alot of these women suggest. The main reason in fact, for having chosen MFP is to do something that I can LIVE with. With MFP I can eat what I like, I am just more aware of what I am eating and try to plan better. I also will increase my work out for days that I know that I want to eat a specific thing that may be a higher calorie count. Or I will divert calories from breakfast or lunch, (have a lighter calorie meal. I think many of us have been guilty of that type of dreprivation dieting and I guess what we are ALL learning together is that in order to have sustainable weight loss, the plan has to be something that you can live with. So the key is just find a way to incorporate the things that you love in your diet in a way that they do not negatively impact your big picture. And use the accountability and support that MFP and all the supportive people here to help you stay grounded in your goal.. We ALL know where you are at! :)
  • weightofyourskin
    I'm going to second what a lot of other people have been saying - moderation! You're never going to succeed if you 100% cut out all the maybe-not-so-healthy-or-low-cal foods you love. You're just going to crave them all the time and beat yourself up when you give in and have them.

    Try to find lower-calorie version of the foods you like. I love Ben & Jerry's but some of their flavours have 300 calories in half a cup, so I switched to other brands at my grocery store that are between 120 and 150 calories for the same size serving.

    Measure out your portions if you don't already. Another thing I used to do was buy a big bag of chips and dig in and empty the whole thing within a few hours... a nice way to ingest 1500+ calories. Now I always make sure to eat no more than 50 grams at a time, which is still a fair amount considering how light one chip is.

    I'm sorry if this is stuff you already do. You've probably already heard it but sometimes it can help to be reminded of the basics!