can someone help me pleaseeee

im new and i want to start writing a blog but i dont know where it is on the page. on my main page it says my blogs..... so i clicked on that and it said its under the tools section but i cant see it??


  • Thomasm198
    Thomasm198 Posts: 3,189 Member
    im new and i want to start writing a blog but i dont know where it is on the page. on my main page it says my blogs..... so i clicked on that and it said its under the tools section but i cant see it??

    At the top of your home page, look at the different tabs Labelled "MY HOME FOOD EXERCISE REPORTS TOOLS COMMUNITY"
    Underneath them is "Home Goals Check-In Mail Profile My Blog Friends Settings"

    Click on "My Blog".

    Ignore the arrow in this screen capture but you will see what I mean.
  • elenas_childcare
    thank you, found it now. i didnt realise there was another tools section under my photo on the right. i thought it meant the tools section on the top next to community haha thank you :)