
Hi everyone! I have been a member of mfp for a while but now need some more help! I am setting a goal that I log in everyday for a week. Then i will expand my goal. I think it if I can do that i will keep on track because I hate seeing that I didnt complete my goal. I need some help mfp friends! Thanks in advanced!


  • You can do it! I actually started MFP for the first few weeks and just got used to logging everyday...before I even cared about the calories...what an eye-opener!! :laugh:

    Feel free to add me for the motivation and support! We can all use it!
  • leomom72
    leomom72 Posts: 1,797 Member
    you can do it !! add me if you like, and best of luck !!:drinker:
  • Leslietheriot
    Leslietheriot Posts: 303 Member
    I was the same way at first...but now I am at 105 days logged in...if I can do it, you can do it. Feel free to add me as a friend as I can use all the help I can get and I'll give as much as I can :)
  • Add me if you like :O) I just got back on here too. I was a member then after a very stressful move I basically quit & found myself weighing more than I did the first time I started. Back on track & having friends really helps :O)
  • teresacarter
    teresacarter Posts: 2 Member
    I just rejoined also and feel the same way. Where do you live?
  • kiwianjel
    kiwianjel Posts: 80 Member
    I was the same at first too .. but now have logged everyday for almost 2 months. Please add me if you want :)
  • cathleen4h
    cathleen4h Posts: 43 Member
    Thanks everyone for the encouragement! Teresa- I live in Oklahoma.