Why is it ???

Why is it that I get great results starting out and then I screw it all up? I KNOW I need to loose the weight but I fall back into my old habbits so easily.... When I loose some weight I think to myself this is easy and so I slack off and then put the weight back on ..

I think I know the answer to my original question - I just need to have a rant and kick myself up the backside for not sticking to MFP.

I know discipline is the answer, but does anyone out there have a way to keep the motivation going ???


  • strivingfor130
    strivingfor130 Posts: 221 Member
    I have the same problem! :(
  • Get some more supportive friends! =]
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    It's all psychological!

    Many people have a fear of success.

    You just have to LET yourself be happy!

    You deserve to be healthy && happy.

    And remember: everything worth having is worth working for.
  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    For me it's totally a control thing. I can control when I am eating great and then I eat and screw it all up. The important thing is that you have a place to rant, read your own words again and responses and find answers. Or different methods to try. Just DON'T give up!!
  • lol I know exactly what you're talking about!!!! it's the cockiness of, "damn I am starting to look good, I'm going to eat that chocolate bar because I deserve it!"

    It's a really hard attitude to break! I think what I've learned from the success stories of many MFP-ers is that consistency is what gets you to the prize!!! So that means, even if you did lose 2lbs that week it doesn't necessarily mean you can let yourself go the next opportunity you get! Someone wrote something that really sticks with me, "if an alcoholic was sober for a year, would you reward them with a beer?" same thing applies for a foodaholic like many of us on here!...we need to find other ways to reward ourselves...for example, new work out clothes, a massage, something that acknowledges we've done a great job but doesn't constitute putting food in our mouths ;)

    good luck to you =)
  • You need some friends to help you stay on track and responsible. I also have a hard time, I do really good for a while and then fall back into old habits. I have posted for friends to help. Keep on coming back.11966029.png
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter[/url
  • sweetiebelle
    sweetiebelle Posts: 332 Member
    It's stinking hard!
  • ritajean3
    ritajean3 Posts: 306 Member
    Its a lifestyle change and those are hard. Are you doing it alone or with someone? Have you gotten rid of whatever triggers you to stop? Do you get enough rest?

    Also I used to do this over and over and over. What are your reasons for loosing? If you don't have a clear defined DEEP reason then you won't care enough to keep going.

    I heard a tip yesterday to put images of what you want around your home. So if you want to be muscular put photos of people like that around, you want to look sexy on a beach do the same for that ect.
  • ajd241
    ajd241 Posts: 76
    I have the exact same problem. I think that if i have done well with my food during the week and exercised well then i deserve a scoop of ice-cream of a chocolate bar, but then i get the taste for it and want more. I don't like myself when I do stuff like that.

    I suppose once we are set in our ways with our eating habits it is very hard to break them. I think that with some persistance and determination you can reset the way you think for good.

    We are only human of course..
  • cirellim
    cirellim Posts: 269
    Support can definitely have a lot to do with it but unfortunately it's all going to boil down to your personal drive and motivation. No body can make you want it if there isn't a burning desire (and I don't mean you just acknowledging the fact that you need to lose weight) in you to make a significant change then more than likely you'll never get that significant change. Not to mention the beginning I find to be the easiest because your fresh motivated and the results tend to come rather quickly. Its when those results slow up and begin hitting bumps in the road that you see how bad you truly want it. Don't give up! You really can do it!!
  • _Sally_
    _Sally_ Posts: 514 Member
    You may find it helpful to think through and write down WHY you want to lose weight.

    What is your current weight doing to your life now? (think about the negative impact of your weight in all areas of your life). What will be better when you are thinner/fitter? What scares you about being a thinner/fitter person and what actions can you do to overcome these fears?

    The benefit of writing these items down is so that you can review them every day, or as often as you need to. Maybe you should think about journaling your feelings as you go through this process so that you can explore and release emotions that may be part of the reasons why you are holding onto the excess weight.

    Set interim, attainable goals and work on it as a priority each day. If you "mess up", no worries - the good news is that you get another chance to make better choices at your very next meal. It is not all or nothing - don't beat yourself up if you don't follow your plan 100% - you are in it for the long-term.

    It's not how many times you fall down, it's how many times you get up.

    You can do it!
  • brugge220
    brugge220 Posts: 12 Member
    Guys, what can I say but a BIG thankyou - it is good to know Iit is just not me and I agree that the common thread with all the success stories is that THEY STUCK TO IT !!!! I do want this and I know I feel better when I have lost the weight - I just need to get back into it and try not to beat myself up too much for screwing up.

    THANKYOU ALL for your support !!!!! It is nice to know there are people out there who can help me when I really need it...

    This is my first post and I amazed at the support THANKYOU all !!!!!