
My Husband is ordering beach body's "Insanity" tomorrow..and I'm ordering Brazil Butt Lift...

We are very stoked.

Any one have any tips for us? We both have a goal of 60lbs each to lose.


  • getyupcowgirl
    getyupcowgirl Posts: 70 Member
    Just keep on going everyday no matter how much you might not want to . . . it's worth it!
  • ManicMelody
    I agree. Keep pushing! Also, I would buy a heart rate monitor. It's not good to get your heart rate up too much!
  • klong3399
    yes! insanity is amazing! it will get you in super shape if you actually do it - I lost 17 lbs, 3 pants sizes, over 4% body fat and over 21 inches in just the 60 days! Would LOVE to hear how you guys like the program!
  • LeihaS
    LeihaS Posts: 48 Member
  • gabyp0716
    gabyp0716 Posts: 351 Member
    Hi Leiha,

    How exciting for you guys. I have actually done both INSANITY and Brazil Butt Lift and love them both for different reasons :wink:

    My hubby and I are doing RevAbs right now and we are really enjoying in.

    Like some people have commented, the most important part is to committ 100 percent and keep pushing play everyday. No matter if you are really sore and can't complete all the moves, but lil by lil you'll notice how much more you are able to accomplish.

    Best of luck to you and your husband and please let me know if you guys have any questions or need some help ordering.
  • sandy2006
    sandy2006 Posts: 483 Member
    I agree. Keep pushing! Also, I would buy a heart rate monitor. It's not good to get your heart rate up too much!

    What does this mean? I thought it was good to get your heart rate up, whats to much? thanks
  • ManicMelody
    I agree. Keep pushing! Also, I would buy a heart rate monitor. It's not good to get your heart rate up too much!

    What does this mean? I thought it was good to get your heart rate up, whats to much? thanks

    It's good to keep your heart rate at a target that will burn fat, but it's bad to let it get too high because you could harm yourself. Depending on your age and weight etc, there is a healthy and optimal heart rate that you should aim for when exercising. For me, going over 180 or so is just bad. My target is between 165 and 175, or that's what I've concluded at least. You must stay safe when doing an exercise of this intensity. =]