Fitness after an injury - brusitis

ascott048 Posts: 61
edited October 4 in Fitness and Exercise
Yesterday I tried decided to go for a three mile walk/jog after not running for three years. I used to run two miles daily and then started to have major hip pain and was diagnosed with brusitis. I am allergic to anything that has the same ingredient as ibuprofen so taking an anti inflammatory is out of the question. My doctor told me I can not run anymore and to try swimming...ugh. I used to get super depressed because I missed running, I missed pushing myself past my limits, I missed rocking out to my playlist with my dog, I missed the runners high, I was happy to not have to drive to a gym. Finally a couple of months ago I joined a gym with a friend who was up for trying spin class with me. I fell in love, maybe I am a gluten for punishment but I loved how much it sucked, it was painful and hard and just what I needed. Now it is fun but still a challenge and I am blessed to have some amazing instructors.

So yesterday, why try to run? I missed my morning spin class and needed to get in a workout in order to eat a cupcake. Yes, I will work for food :) I asked hubs if he and the dog wanted to join me. He was up for it and off we went. It was hard having not kept up my endurance for running, but we made the three miles in 50 mins. Hubs was kind since he can run those three miles in 30 min easy. I am so sore today but I loved the run. Part of me thinks I will give running a try again I really want to run a 5k with my BF but I am worried the pain will come back in full force. I am torn. For now I will run as much as my body will let me and spin my happy little heart out.

My question for you is, did you find yourself in a similar place in life. Have you ever had to give up something like an exercise you love due to pain or injury? Have you ever had to deal with brusitis? What did you do?


  • wgrape
    wgrape Posts: 40 Member
    Yep! And massive lower back pain...right now. Had to give up all impact exercise for the time being and cannot wait to get back into my walks. Hang in there...don't push it. Not walking for the rest of your life or living with daily pain is not worth it!
  • sarab99
    sarab99 Posts: 134 Member
    Yep, I've already had one knee surgery and an accident in 2007 left me with ongoing neck and back problems. They are better, but I have some days where I can't do too much. I used to run when I was younger, but I'm afraid of what it would do to my back and knees. I just try to see it as a time to try some different things. I love dancing, so a lot of the time I either use Wii Just Dance (play with my daughter) or Zumba. I also thought about getting back into bellydance again. Just do what you can and try some new things when you're ready. You can get that "runners high" from any aerobic activity if you work it hard enough. Kudos to you for not just giving up. Sounds like you're doing great.
  • CrystalFlury
    CrystalFlury Posts: 400 Member
    Omg I posted the other week asking if anyone knew about this pain in my hip. I did more research online and figured out I might have the hip brusitis issue like you! I used to run 3-3.5 miles easily, but recently, I think starting in July or August my right side on my hip was hurting. I'm curious, is it something that goes away after a long rest from running or is it something that sticks around?? I've tried stretching it but it only relieves it slightly. The pain has gone down A LOT this past week and I was thinking about giving running a try maybe next week, I have no idea if that's a good idea or not.
  • love22step
    love22step Posts: 1,103 Member
    I injured my knee in late April (fractured bone & torn tendon). I want to run again, too, and I've been exercising a lot, but I still have a lot of swelling and stiffness in the knee. Starting out running 3 miles might be a little ambitious. I assume you walked most of the 3 miles, since I'm walking 3.34 miles in 46 minutes. That's a good way to get started again--you don't want to do too much at once. Take it slow and build up. I wish you well!
  • MsLisaB
    MsLisaB Posts: 256
    I developed hip bursitis a few years back after trekking 60km (37mi) over 2 days across some quite hilly countryside. My physio recommended a period of rest (the only time he has told me to rest up mind you) in combination with cortisone injections into the bursitis to reduce the inflammation. He also diagnosed weak glutes as my main problem and started me on a series of exercises to strengthen the glutes. I had 2 cortisone injections which completely healed the bursitis. After concentrating on getting my glutes strong and working properly I haven't had any problems since.

    I'd recommend you go see a good sports physio and see what they have to say.
  • Lucylaser
    Lucylaser Posts: 94 Member
    I was in a car accident several years ago and had to have hip surgery. I have about 25% of the cartilage left in my hip. I am a couple years out from surgery and was getting really strong and figured I would train for a 10k. I got really really bad tendinitis (like I couldn't even walk). It still comes back all time time. Spinning is amazing. I go 4-5 times a week and it doesn't kill my hip. I am sad to give up running. Mr surgeon said that there is just no way at all that I can do it. It really sucks and it is depressing. BUT I have actually lost 20lbs since my surgery and am way more fit than I ever was.

    Recently I was getting heaving into a bootcamp class I was in that had a lot of high impact plyo work. And the tendinitis came right back. Its still pretty flared. I knew I was doing damage in the class but was embarrassed to be the bigger girl in the class who had to modify. I learned the lesson the hard way. When I am feeling better I will go back and be more conservative.

    Also, there are lots and lots of anti-inflammitories that are available OTC and with RX that do not have ibuprofen in them at all. I like Naproxen and Cellebrex a lot. Have you ever gotten steroid injections?
  • Lucylaser
    Lucylaser Posts: 94 Member
    Omg I posted the other week asking if anyone knew about this pain in my hip. I did more research online and figured out I might have the hip brusitis issue like you! I used to run 3-3.5 miles easily, but recently, I think starting in July or August my right side on my hip was hurting. I'm curious, is it something that goes away after a long rest from running or is it something that sticks around?? I've tried stretching it but it only relieves it slightly. The pain has gone down A LOT this past week and I was thinking about giving running a try maybe next week, I have no idea if that's a good idea or not.

    Be careful and see a doc before you go nuts. When I had my injury I did not realize how badly I was hurt and continued to run on it. I had a bone fragments in my hip that proceeded to shred my cartilage away. Its called a labral tear. It sucks!
  • CrystalFlury
    CrystalFlury Posts: 400 Member
    Omg I posted the other week asking if anyone knew about this pain in my hip. I did more research online and figured out I might have the hip brusitis issue like you! I used to run 3-3.5 miles easily, but recently, I think starting in July or August my right side on my hip was hurting. I'm curious, is it something that goes away after a long rest from running or is it something that sticks around?? I've tried stretching it but it only relieves it slightly. The pain has gone down A LOT this past week and I was thinking about giving running a try maybe next week, I have no idea if that's a good idea or not.

    Be careful and see a doc before you go nuts. When I had my injury I did not realize how badly I was hurt and continued to run on it. I had a bone fragments in my hip that proceeded to shred my cartilage away. Its called a labral tear. It sucks!

    Well I've been avoiding running for quite a while. I'm unable to see a doctor because of where I'm living... I'd have a two and half hour drive to see the doctor I go to. Anyway, do you think going on a walk every day will hurt it a lot? Walking is the ONLY form of exercise that appeals to me/ available to me right now because I don't have a gym and I absolutely HATE workout videos (they do nothing for me).
  • Papucho
    Papucho Posts: 138
    I've had bursitis in my right hip with a little bit of arthritis for the past few years. I also had a torn miniscus in 2009 and had it repaired the same year. I've never really stopped running, I enjoy it too much even on painful days. I saw my doctor, I've been seeing the same on for years and he knows how much I run--I average 25 miles a week. So he came up with a plan to keep me going while making sure I received as much treatment as possible. It was a little too complicated to repeat here, but it came down to cortisone injections and yoga. Although the bursitis still bugs me now and then, it is nowhere near as painful as it was last year. I can't tell you what helped more, the cortisone or the yoga, but they both definately made a difference. My mileage is back to normal and my pace is better than its been in years. As a matter of fact I'm running a half marathon this weekend and expect to finish in under 2 hours.
  • love22step
    love22step Posts: 1,103 Member
    I've had bursitis in my right hip with a little bit of arthritis for the past few years. I also had a torn miniscus in 2009 and had it repaired the same year. I've never really stopped running, I enjoy it too much even on painful days. I saw my doctor, I've been seeing the same on for years and he knows how much I run--I average 25 miles a week. So he came up with a plan to keep me going while making sure I received as much treatment as possible. It was a little too complicated to repeat here, but it came down to cortisone injections and yoga. Although the bursitis still bugs me now and then, it is nowhere near as painful as it was last year. I can't tell you what helped more, the cortisone or the yoga, but they both definately made a difference. My mileage is back to normal and my pace is better than its been in years. As a matter of fact I'm running a half marathon this weekend and expect to finish in under 2 hours.

    That's encouraging! I'm not ready to give up!
  • Lucylaser
    Lucylaser Posts: 94 Member
    Omg I posted the other week asking if anyone knew about this pain in my hip. I did more research online and figured out I might have the hip brusitis issue like you! I used to run 3-3.5 miles easily, but recently, I think starting in July or August my right side on my hip was hurting. I'm curious, is it something that goes away after a long rest from running or is it something that sticks around?? I've tried stretching it but it only relieves it slightly. The pain has gone down A LOT this past week and I was thinking about giving running a try maybe next week, I have no idea if that's a good idea or not.

    Be careful and see a doc before you go nuts. When I had my injury I did not realize how badly I was hurt and continued to run on it. I had a bone fragments in my hip that proceeded to shred my cartilage away. Its called a labral tear. It sucks!

    Well I've been avoiding running for quite a while. I'm unable to see a doctor because of where I'm living... I'd have a two and half hour drive to see the doctor I go to. Anyway, do you think going on a walk every day will hurt it a lot? Walking is the ONLY form of exercise that appeals to me/ available to me right now because I don't have a gym and I absolutely HATE workout videos (they do nothing for me).

    I would say give it a try but stop if you feel pain. I tried running again after a long break and it didn't work for me. But I am happier to know than to just wonder. For me I cant usually tell if I have messed up something until the next day.
  • According to my doctor with brusitis taking time off can help with the inflammation. Also, taking an anti inflammatory can help. You have to be careful with those though. I did massage for a bit and that helped. My pain was so bad that I couldn't sleep at night on my side and it was super sensitive.
  • Thanks for the ideas I have considered the shots and am more inclined to do so. I have been working on firming up the glutes but I will work more at it knowing it can help.
  • Yep, did a lot of walking and jogging intervals mostly walking though. I am not a fast runner to begin with. As far as training for the 5k I plan to work on building to running a solid mile and then I will see how I do after that.
  • I've had bursitis in my right hip with a little bit of arthritis for the past few years. I also had a torn miniscus in 2009 and had it repaired the same year. I've never really stopped running, I enjoy it too much even on painful days. I saw my doctor, I've been seeing the same on for years and he knows how much I run--I average 25 miles a week. So he came up with a plan to keep me going while making sure I received as much treatment as possible. It was a little too complicated to repeat here, but it came down to cortisone injections and yoga. Although the bursitis still bugs me now and then, it is nowhere near as painful as it was last year. I can't tell you what helped more, the cortisone or the yoga, but they both definately made a difference. My mileage is back to normal and my pace is better than its been in years. As a matter of fact I'm running a half marathon this weekend and expect to finish in under 2 hours.

    Best of luck to you on the half marathon! I have seen my doctor to discuss the option to try the shots and am leaning more towards giving them a try.
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