
Hi everyone. . .
Just thought I would pose a question here just for fun:
What rewards have you given or are you planning to give yourself when you reach certain milestones?
Now I know that intrinsically, this is rewarding in itself, but I guess I'm talking about extrinsic rewards that we promise ourselves.

I want new shoes at 20#, but after that, I get stuck. . .what else could I get?
I used to reward myself with certain foods (!), and I wouldn't mind doing that now, but there really isn't anything I have given up entirely, so I don't feel the need to do this.

I am just curious to know what keeps you motivated in terms of giving yourself rewards for your hard work and success. Looking forward to your responses!


  • SaltiGi
    I haven't thought of it really, but I have not bought any new clothes---I think that will be a HUGE reward! Buying a SMALLER size! I love how my clothes are now fitting more loosely, but I haven't bought anything new yet, but I think after another 20 (fingers crossed) I will HAVE to :happy:
  • larat71
    larat71 Posts: 60
    My motivation for meeting my goal weight is my 10th wedding anniversary. We're renewing our vows and I want to wear a dress the same size as when we got married. Try to think of something abstract like helps A LOT!
  • jaenetty37
    jaenetty37 Posts: 24 Member
    My short term goal of 20# which I met this week earned me a new purse and at 40 I am going to buy a new dress to go out on the town with my hunny, dinner and dancing!!!!! Also, you might try treating yourself to a mani/pedi! always cool!:flowerforyou:
  • rachdlew
    rachdlew Posts: 108
    Well my first weight loss reward will be a weekend get away with my husband to a bed and breakfast to show off how I look in lingerie that I would not wear before because I was uncomfortable with my size.
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    This sounds silly but my new sneakers are amazingly comfortable and were a gift to myself (actually two pairs) . My feet have lost weight and my shoes are all too large now hence the new ones!!!
  • AdAstra47
    AdAstra47 Posts: 823 Member
    I am interested to hear what other people have to say about this... I need some ideas.

    Standard answer is clothes or shoes, and while I look forward to fitting into smaller sizes, I also HATE shopping. Hate, detest, and loathe it. If I had written Dante's Inferno, the 6th or 7th level of Hell would have been a shopping mall. So that doesn't really work for me...

    The foods I avoid, I avoid for medical reasons, so rewarding myself with them would be a Bad Idea.

    Maybe a trip somewhere? Now that I can walk & hike without huffing & puffing, maybe I can reward myself by going someplace really beautiful like Yellowstone or the Appalachians.

    What do y'all think? Any creative ideas?
  • nedrafae
    When I lose 25 pounds, I plan on taking some belly dancing classes. It's something I really want to learn plus it's also great exercise so I kill two birds with one stone.
  • nanodot
    nanodot Posts: 154 Member
    Right now, there are some special and expensive foods on my Paleo diet that I reward myself with, such as almond flour, ribeye steaks, the BIG bottle of dried mushrooms from Costco, and spices from the specialty spice shop at the mall.

    I think that when I get to 199, I'm going to get an exercise bike!

    When I get to 180, I'm getting an adjustable weights bench.

    Clothes shopping is also big on my list, of course, but not till I can shop in the standard sizes that they make all the pretty clothes in. When I'm a size 14....
  • srandle175
    My rewards are movie, mani/pedi, purse, shoes, clothes and tattoo!!!
  • theome
    theome Posts: 101 Member
    i have the some problem coming up with ideas. I would like to say a really nice outfit but i would get upset having to re-buy the same kinda outfit every time i lost weight. Since my UGW is between 60 to 100lb. I might make it a trip though, Would love some ideas for smaller goals though.
  • wedjul05
    wedjul05 Posts: 472
    My first reward was a new tattoo on my lower back. Got.

    My next one is a rad new haircut when I let me hair grow and then a new mobile phone also. Hopefully by the end of this month I will be able to do one of them money limiting.

    I might get another small tattoo when I reach another goal but I'm close to me goal so not so sure! Might just get it anyway, just need to decide what.
  • ineed2bskinny
    if i get to 126lbs.... i plan to get my self a boob job!!
  • AdAstra47
    AdAstra47 Posts: 823 Member
    When I lose 25 pounds, I plan on taking some belly dancing classes. It's something I really want to learn plus it's also great exercise so I kill two birds with one stone.

    I love this idea! I have a lot of friends at Ren Faire who do belly dancing, it's great exercise.

    I was more than halfway to my black belt in Tae Kwon Do at one time. Had to quit for financial reasons, and by the time I had money for the classes again, I was too big for even the largest size uniforms, so I was too embarrassed to go back. Maybe once I get down to a reasonable size, TKD classes would be a good reward. Thanks for the idea!
  • AdAstra47
    AdAstra47 Posts: 823 Member
    Right now, there are some special and expensive foods on my Paleo diet that I reward myself with, such as almond flour, ribeye steaks, the BIG bottle of dried mushrooms from Costco, and spices from the specialty spice shop at the mall.

    Nice! When people say they use food as a reward, I always think "cake or ice cream." But rewarding yourself with special healthy foods is a wonderful idea. I'm definitely putting some of these on my list. Thanks!