lose 25 pounds by January 1, 2012

Hi everyone. My name is Jessica. I am the mother of 6 beautiful children. I work a full time job. Went to penn foster to be a personal trainer and finished that in march of 2011. Then in July of this year I went back to work full time at a residential care facility for the elderly. I had to go to school to get certified for that also. that lasted 3 months. I am now a CNA. Yeah! Monday the 24th of October I begin my EMT classes. My goal is to lose at least 25 pounds by January 1st of 2012. Does anyone want to join me?
We can help motivate each other and share workout ideas and so on.


  • LenaNicole15
    I'd like to join! But will I get in trouble if I don't make it? Lol
  • hermanaamber
    hermanaamber Posts: 103 Member
    I would love to, but is it possible?
  • hermanaamber
    hermanaamber Posts: 103 Member
    I would love to, but is it possible?
  • leftymae5454
    I'll take the challenge with you
  • savismommy
    I'll join!

    I'm a momma on only ONE. A sweet, little, one year old girl - Savannah. :] I still have quite a bit of weight to lose,
    and I think 25 pounds by January is a realistic goal for me as well! PLUS, my name is Jessica, also.
  • DakotaKeogh
    DakotaKeogh Posts: 693 Member
    I don't have 25 to lose at this point. But I wish all of you who do this the best. Get 'er done!
  • arwaleenah
    arwaleenah Posts: 42 Member
    Am ready to take the challenge. I have a 7wk old baby and i plan to go and get professional photos with my family on 01/24/12 my wedding anniversary. I need and want to look good so here we go
    HW: 168
    CW: 154
    GW: 130
  • Oliverswife
    Count me in.

    HW: 222
    CW: 220
    GW: 145
  • Oliverswife
    Count me in.

    HW: 222
    CW: 220
    GW: 145

    "If you can't fly then run, if you can't run than walk, if you can't walk than crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep it moving" Martin Luther King
  • TrishaLeighNelson
    TrishaLeighNelson Posts: 258 Member
    I'm in!
    This GW 199
  • Abby8908
    I'm in. I've got 25+ to lose, and my hubby will be home from deployment soon after the beginning of the year, so how awesome to have lost that much before seeing him next!! I was 7 months pregnant last time he saw me!
  • sonic_the_cat
    sonic_the_cat Posts: 58 Member
    You can count me in. I am exactly 25 lbs. to goal and could use some motivation over the holidays!
  • MamaJess
    MamaJess Posts: 181 Member
    Sorry I haven't been on for a while everyone. I just recently started EMT classes and they are taking more of my time than I had anticipated. How is everyone doing with their weight loss thus far?